On Thu, Jun 02, 2016 at 02:27:19PM +0100, David Hunt wrote:


>       /* create the internal ring if not already done */
>       if ((mp->flags & MEMPOOL_F_RING_CREATED) == 0) {

|> 1) May be RING can be replaced with some other higher abstraction name
|> for the internal MEMPOOL_F_RING_CREATED flag
|Agreed. I'll change to MEMPOOL_F_POOL_CREATED, since we're already 
|changing the *ring
|element of the mempool struct to *pool

Looks like you have missed the above review comment?


> static inline struct rte_mempool_ops *
> rte_mempool_ops_get(int ops_index)
> return &rte_mempool_ops_table.ops[ops_index];

|> 2) Considering "get" and "put" are the fast-path callbacks for
|> pool-manger, Is it possible to avoid the extra overhead of the
|> following
|> _load_ and additional cache line on each call,
|> rte_mempool_handler_table.handler[handler_idx]
|> I understand it is for multiprocess support but I am thing can we
|> introduce something like ethernet API support for multiprocess and
|> resolve "put" and "get" functions pointer on init and store in
|> struct mempool. Some thinking like
|> file: drivers/net/ixgbe/ixgbe_ethdev.c
|> search for if (rte_eal_process_type() != RTE_PROC_PRIMARY) {
|I'll look at this one before posting the next version of the patch 
|(soon). :)

Have you checked the above comment, if it difficult then postpone it. But
IMO it will reduce few cycles in fast-path and reduce the cache usage in
fast path


> +
> +/**
> + * @internal wrapper for external mempool manager put callback.
> + *
> + * @param mp
> + *   Pointer to the memory pool.
> + * @param obj_table
> + *   Pointer to a table of void * pointers (objects).
> + * @param n
> + *   Number of objects to put.
> + * @return
> + *   - 0: Success; n objects supplied.
> + *   - <0: Error; code of put function.
> + */
> +static inline int
> +rte_mempool_ops_enqueue_bulk(struct rte_mempool *mp, void * const *obj_table,
> +             unsigned n)
> +{
> +     struct rte_mempool_ops *ops;
> +
> +     ops = rte_mempool_ops_get(mp->ops_index);
> +     return ops->put(mp->pool_data, obj_table, n);

Pass by value of "pool_data", On 32 bit systems, casting back to pool_id will
be an issue as void* on 32 bit is 4B. IMO, May be can use uint64_t to
pass by value and typecast to void* to fix it.


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