On 8/26/2016 2:56 PM, Shreyansh Jain wrote:
> Based on master (e22856313fff2)
> Background:
> ===========
> It includes two different patch-sets floated on ML earlier:
>  * Original patch series is from David Marchand [1], [2].
>   `- This focused mainly on PCI (PDEV) part
>   `- v7 of this was posted by me [8] in August/2016
>  * Patch series [4] from Jan Viktorin
>   `- This focused on VDEV and rte_device integration
> Introduction:
> =============
> This patch series introduces a generic device model, moving away from PCI 
> centric code layout. Key change is to introduce rte_driver/rte_device 
> structures at the top level which are inherited by 
> rte_XXX_driver/rte_XXX_device - where XXX belongs to {pci, vdev, soc (in 
> future),...}.
> Key motivation for this series is to move away from PCI centric design of 
> EAL to a more hierarchical device model - pivoted around a generic driver 
> and device. Each specific driver and device can inherit the common 
> properties of the generic set and build upon it through driver/device 
> specific functions.
> Earlier, the EAL device initialization model was:
> (Refer: [3])
> --
>  Constructor:
>   |- PMD_DRIVER_REGISTER(rte_driver)
>      `-  insert into dev_driver_list, rte_driver object
>  rte_eal_init():
>   |- rte_eal_pci_init()
>   |  `- scan and fill pci_device_list from sysfs
>   |
>   |- rte_eal_dev_init()
>   |  `- For each rte_driver in dev_driver_list
>   |     `- call the rte_driver->init() function
>   |        |- PMDs designed to call rte_eth_driver_register(eth_driver)
>   |        |- eth_driver have rte_pci_driver embedded in them
>   |        `- rte_eth_driver_register installs the 
>   |           rte_pci_driver->devinit/devuninit callbacks.
>   |
>   |- rte_eal_pci_probe()
>   |  |- For each device detected, dev_driver_list is parsed and matching is
>   |  |  done.
>   |  |- For each matching device, the rte_pci_driver->devinit() is called.
>   |  |- Default map is to rte_eth_dev_init() which in turn creates a
>   |  |  new ethernet device (eth_dev)
>   |  |  `- eth_drv->eth_dev_init() is called which is implemented by 
>   `--|    individual PMD drivers.
> --
> The structure of driver looks something like:
>  +------------+     ._____.
>  | rte_driver <-----| PMD |___
>  |  .init     |     `-----`   \
>  +----.-------+      |         \
>       `-.            |         What PMD actually is
>          \           |          |
>           +----------v----+     |
>           | eth_driver    |     |
>           | .eth_dev_init |     |
>           +----.----------+     |
>                `-.              |
>                   \             |
>                    +------------v---+
>                    | rte_pci_driver |
>                    | .pci_devinit   |
>                    +----------------+
>   and all devices are part of a following linked lists:
>     - dev_driver_list for all rte_drivers
>     - pci_device_list for all devices, whether PCI or VDEV
> From the above:
>  * a PMD initializes a rte_driver, eth_driver even though actually it is a 
>    pci_driver
>  * initialization routines are passed from rte_driver->pci_driver->eth_driver
>    even though they should ideally be rte_eal_init()->rte_pci_driver()
>  * For a single driver/device type model, this is not necessarily a
>    functional issue - but more of a design language.
>  * But, when number of driver/device type increase, this would create problem
>    in how driver<=>device links are represented.
> Proposed Architecture:
> ======================
> A nice representation has already been created by David in [3]. Copying that
> here:
>                 +------------------+ +-------------------------------+
>                 |                  | |                               |
>                 | rte_pci_device   | | rte_pci_driver                |
>                 |                  | |                               |
> +-------------+ | +--------------+ | | +---------------------------+ |
> |             | | |              | | | |                           | |
> | rte_eth_dev +---> rte_device   +-----> rte_driver                | |
> |             | | |  char name[] | | | |  char name[]              | |
> +-------------+ | |              | | | |  int init(rte_device *)   | |
>                 | +--------------+ | | |  int uninit(rte_device *) | |
>                 |                  | | |                           | |
>                 +------------------+ | +---------------------------+ |
>                                      |                               |
>                                      +-------------------------------+
> - for ethdev on top of vdev devices
>                 +------------------+ +-------------------------------+
>                 |                  | |                               |
>                 | drv specific     | | rte_vdev_driver               |
>                 |                  | |                               |
> +-------------+ | +--------------+ | | +---------------------------+ |
> |             | | |              | | | |                           | |
> | rte_eth_dev +---> rte_device   +-----> rte_driver                | |
> |             | | |  char name[] | | | |  char name[]              | |
> +-------------+ | |              | | | |  int init(rte_device *)   | |
>                 | +--------------+ | | |  int uninit(rte_device *) | |
>                 |                  | | |                           | |
>                 +------------------+ | +---------------------------+ |
>                                      |                               |
>                                      |   int priv_size               |
>                                      |                               |
>                                      +-------------------------------+

There are also "eth_driver" and "rte_cryptodev_driver", which can  be
represent as:
|                                   |
| eth_driver / rte_cryptodev_driver |
|                                   |
| +-------------------------------+ |
| |                               | |
| | rte_pci_driver                | |
| |                               | |
| | +---------------------------+ | |
| | |                           | | |
| | | rte_driver                | | |
| | |  char name[]              | | |
| | |  int init(rte_device *)   | | |
| | |  int uninit(rte_device *) | | |
| | |                           | | |
| | +---------------------------+ | |
| |                               | |
| +-------------------------------+ |
|                                   |

Is eth_driver really needs to be inherited from rte_pci_driver?
It is possible to have ethernet driver, without PCI bus, at least we
have virtual driver samples.

How about:
|                               |
| rte_pci_driver /              |
|           rte_vdev_driver     |
| +---------------------------+ |      +-------------------+
| |                           | |      | eth_driver        |
| | rte_driver                |<---------- driver          |
| |  char name[]              | |      |   eth_dev_init    |
| |  int init(rte_device *)   | |      |   eth_dev_uninit  |
| |  int uninit(rte_device *) | |      |                   |
| |                           | |      |                   |
| +---------------------------+ |      |                   |
| functional_driver ------------------>|                   |
+-------------------------------+      +-------------------+

Currently there is no way to reference rte_vdev_driver from eth_driver,
since it only has pci_drv field.

With this update, it can be possible to create eth_driver and
rte_eth_vdev_probe() for virtual drivers for example. (Although this may
not necessary right now, this gives ability to do.)

Another think, what do you think moving "dev_private_size" from
eth_driver and rte_cryptodev_driver to rte_driver, since this looks like
generic need for drivers.

And last think, what do you think renaming eth_driver to rte_eth_driver
to be consistent?


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