
Adding pktgen maintainer in the loop.

On Tue, Feb 4, 2025 at 2:42 PM Nafiah Siddiqha
<nafiah.siddi...@iwave-global.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm testing pktgen application using OpenNIC driver, but I face device cannot 
> parse issue ,
> What do I need to pass in my vdev parameter for it to run
> Below are the logs of the error I'm facing
> $sudo ./usr/local/bin/pktgen --vdev 'eth_af_packet0,iface=enp1s0f0' --vdev 
> 'eth_af_packet1,iface=enp1s0f1'   -l 2-10 -n 4  -- -m [3:4].0 -m [6:7].1
> Copyright(c) <2010-2021>, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Powered by 
> EAL: Detected 12 lcore(s)
> EAL: Detected 1 NUMA nodes
> EAL: failed to parse device "eth_af_packet0"
> EAL: Unable to parse device 'eth_af_packet0,iface=enp1s0f0'
> I have tried passing eth_pcap, net_pcap and net_af_packet as well but there's 
> no progress in the output.

Some ideas:
The first would be to make sure that the net/af_packet driver is
indeed built into DPDK.
And next one is to make sure that this driver is loaded by pktgen.

The simpler is to check this with testpmd first, and once it works,
look into pktgen (if necessary).

Check if the compiled dpdk (that this pktgen binary is linked to) is
happy with those EAL options (the options between the binary name and
the first -- in the cmdline options).
$ sudo /path/to/dpdk/build/app/dpdk-testpmd --vdev
'eth_af_packet0,iface=enp1s0f0' --vdev 'eth_af_packet1,iface=enp1s0f1'
  -l 2-10 -n 4  --

If this does not work, look for librte_net_af_packet.so in your dpdk
build directory.
$ find /path/to/dpdk/build/ -name librte_net_af_packet.so

And then pass this directory in the EAL options:
$ sudo /path/to/dpdk/build/app/dpdk-testpmd -d
/path/to/dpdk/build/drivers/ --vdev 'eth_af_packet0,iface=enp1s0f0'
--vdev 'eth_af_packet1,iface=enp1s0f1'   -l 2-10 -n 4  --

David Marchand

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