Hi, I'm testing pktgen application using OpenNIC driver, but I face device cannot parse issue , What do I need to pass in my vdev parameter for it to run
Below are the logs of the error I'm facing $sudo ./usr/local/bin/pktgen --vdev 'eth_af_packet0,iface=enp1s0f0' --vdev 'eth_af_packet1,iface=enp1s0f1' -l 2-10 -n 4 -- -m [3:4].0 -m [6:7].1 Copyright(c) <2010-2021>, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Powered by DPDK EAL: Detected 12 lcore(s) EAL: Detected 1 NUMA nodes EAL: failed to parse device "eth_af_packet0" EAL: Unable to parse device 'eth_af_packet0,iface=enp1s0f0' I have tried passing eth_pcap, net_pcap and net_af_packet as well but there's no progress in the output. Thanks in advance Best Regards Nafiah Siddiqha