There was a software limitation of 64 queues, it should be enlarged to
the hardware allowed maximum. As all the queues are shared among PF,
VFs and VMDq, the number of queues supported in PF, VFs and VMDq may
vary on different use cases.

Helin Zhang (2):
  i40e: adjust the number of queues for RSS
  i40e: Enlarge the number of supported queues

 config/common_bsdapp              |   3 +-
 config/common_linuxapp            |   3 +-
 drivers/net/i40e/i40e_ethdev.c    | 146 ++++++++++++++++----------------------
 drivers/net/i40e/i40e_ethdev.h    |   8 +++
 drivers/net/i40e/i40e_ethdev_vf.c |   2 +-
 5 files changed, 74 insertions(+), 88 deletions(-)


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