From: Pavan Nikhilesh <>

Add CN20K SSO GWS fastpath event device enqueue functions.

Signed-off-by: Pavan Nikhilesh <>
 drivers/event/cnxk/cn20k_eventdev.c |  20 +-
 drivers/event/cnxk/cn20k_worker.c   | 384 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 drivers/event/cnxk/cn20k_worker.h   |  21 ++
 drivers/event/cnxk/      |   1 +
 4 files changed, 425 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 drivers/event/cnxk/cn20k_worker.c
 create mode 100644 drivers/event/cnxk/cn20k_worker.h

diff --git a/drivers/event/cnxk/cn20k_eventdev.c 
index 611906a4f0..a5dd03de6e 100644
--- a/drivers/event/cnxk/cn20k_eventdev.c
+++ b/drivers/event/cnxk/cn20k_eventdev.c
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 #include "roc_api.h"
 #include "cn20k_eventdev.h"
+#include "cn20k_worker.h"
 #include "cnxk_common.h"
 #include "cnxk_eventdev.h"
 #include "cnxk_worker.h"
@@ -108,6 +109,21 @@ cn20k_sso_rsrc_init(void *arg, uint8_t hws, uint8_t hwgrp)
        return roc_sso_rsrc_init(&dev->sso, hws, hwgrp, nb_tim_lfs);
+static void
+cn20k_sso_fp_fns_set(struct rte_eventdev *event_dev)
+#if defined(RTE_ARCH_ARM64)
+       event_dev->enqueue_burst = cn20k_sso_hws_enq_burst;
+       event_dev->enqueue_new_burst = cn20k_sso_hws_enq_new_burst;
+       event_dev->enqueue_forward_burst = cn20k_sso_hws_enq_fwd_burst;
+       RTE_SET_USED(event_dev);
 static void
 cn20k_sso_info_get(struct rte_eventdev *event_dev, struct rte_event_dev_info 
@@ -265,8 +281,10 @@ cn20k_sso_init(struct rte_eventdev *event_dev)
        event_dev->dev_ops = &cn20k_sso_dev_ops;
        /* For secondary processes, the primary has done all the work */
-       if (rte_eal_process_type() != RTE_PROC_PRIMARY)
+       if (rte_eal_process_type() != RTE_PROC_PRIMARY) {
+               cn20k_sso_fp_fns_set(event_dev);
                return 0;
+       }
        rc = cnxk_sso_init(event_dev);
        if (rc < 0)
diff --git a/drivers/event/cnxk/cn20k_worker.c 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c7de493681
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/event/cnxk/cn20k_worker.c
@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(C) 2024 Marvell.
+ */
+#include <rte_vect.h>
+#include "roc_api.h"
+#include "cn20k_worker.h"
+#include "cnxk_eventdev.h"
+#include "cnxk_worker.h"
+/* SSO Operations */
+static __rte_always_inline uint8_t
+cn20k_sso_hws_new_event(struct cn20k_sso_hws *ws, const struct rte_event *ev)
+       const uint32_t tag = (uint32_t)ev->event;
+       const uint8_t new_tt = ev->sched_type;
+       const uint64_t event_ptr = ev->u64;
+       const uint16_t grp = ev->queue_id;
+       rte_atomic_thread_fence(rte_memory_order_acq_rel);
+       if (ws->xaq_lmt <= *ws->fc_mem)
+               return 0;
+       cnxk_sso_hws_add_work(event_ptr, tag, new_tt, ws->grp_base + (grp << 
+       return 1;
+static __rte_always_inline void
+cn20k_sso_hws_fwd_swtag(struct cn20k_sso_hws *ws, const struct rte_event *ev)
+       const uint32_t tag = (uint32_t)ev->event;
+       const uint8_t new_tt = ev->sched_type;
+       const uint8_t cur_tt = CNXK_TT_FROM_TAG(ws->gw_rdata);
+       /* CNXK model
+        * cur_tt/new_tt     SSO_TT_ORDERED SSO_TT_ATOMIC SSO_TT_UNTAGGED
+        *
+        * SSO_TT_ORDERED        norm           norm             untag
+        * SSO_TT_ATOMIC         norm           norm               untag
+        * SSO_TT_UNTAGGED       norm           norm             NOOP
+        */
+       if (new_tt == SSO_TT_UNTAGGED) {
+               if (cur_tt != SSO_TT_UNTAGGED)
+                       cnxk_sso_hws_swtag_untag(ws->base + 
+       } else {
+               cnxk_sso_hws_swtag_norm(tag, new_tt, ws->base + 
+       }
+       ws->swtag_req = 1;
+static __rte_always_inline void
+cn20k_sso_hws_fwd_group(struct cn20k_sso_hws *ws, const struct rte_event *ev, 
const uint16_t grp)
+       const uint32_t tag = (uint32_t)ev->event;
+       const uint8_t new_tt = ev->sched_type;
+       plt_write64(ev->u64, ws->base + SSOW_LF_GWS_OP_UPD_WQP_GRP1);
+       cnxk_sso_hws_swtag_desched(tag, new_tt, grp, ws->base + 
+static __rte_always_inline void
+cn20k_sso_hws_forward_event(struct cn20k_sso_hws *ws, const struct rte_event 
+       const uint8_t grp = ev->queue_id;
+       /* Group hasn't changed, Use SWTAG to forward the event */
+       if (CNXK_GRP_FROM_TAG(ws->gw_rdata) == grp)
+               cn20k_sso_hws_fwd_swtag(ws, ev);
+       else
+               /*
+                * Group has been changed for group based work pipelining,
+                * Use deschedule/add_work operation to transfer the event to
+                * new group/core
+                */
+               cn20k_sso_hws_fwd_group(ws, ev, grp);
+static inline int32_t
+sso_read_xaq_space(struct cn20k_sso_hws *ws)
+       return (ws->xaq_lmt - rte_atomic_load_explicit(ws->fc_mem, 
rte_memory_order_relaxed)) *
+              ws->xae_waes;
+static inline void
+sso_lmt_aw_wait_fc(struct cn20k_sso_hws *ws, int64_t req)
+       int64_t cached, refill;
+       while (rte_atomic_load_explicit(ws->fc_cache_space, 
rte_memory_order_relaxed) < 0)
+               ;
+       cached = rte_atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(ws->fc_cache_space, req, 
rte_memory_order_acquire) -
+                req;
+       /* Check if there is enough space, else update and retry. */
+       if (cached < 0) {
+               /* Check if we have space else retry. */
+               do {
+                       refill = sso_read_xaq_space(ws);
+               } while (refill <= 0);
+               rte_atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit(ws->fc_cache_space, 
&cached, refill,
+               goto retry;
+       }
+#define VECTOR_SIZE_BITS            0xFFFFFFFFFFF80000ULL
+#define VECTOR_GET_LINE_OFFSET(line) (19 + (3 * line))
+static uint64_t
+vector_size_partial_mask(uint16_t off, uint16_t cnt)
+       return (VECTOR_SIZE_BITS & ~(~0x0ULL << off)) | ((uint64_t)(cnt - 1) << 
+static __rte_always_inline uint16_t
+cn20k_sso_hws_new_event_lmtst(struct cn20k_sso_hws *ws, uint8_t queue_id,
+                             const struct rte_event ev[], uint16_t n)
+       uint16_t lines, partial_line, burst, left;
+       uint64_t wdata[2], pa[2] = {0};
+       uintptr_t lmt_addr;
+       uint16_t sz0, sz1;
+       uint16_t lmt_id;
+       sz0 = sz1 = 0;
+       lmt_addr = ws->aw_lmt;
+       ROC_LMT_BASE_ID_GET(lmt_addr, lmt_id);
+       left = n;
+       /* Set wdata */
+       lines = burst >> ROC_SSO_AW_PER_LMT_LINE_LOG2;
+       partial_line = burst & (BIT(ROC_SSO_AW_PER_LMT_LINE_LOG2) - 1);
+       wdata[0] = wdata[1] = 0;
+       if (lines > BIT(ROC_LMT_LINES_PER_STR_LOG2)) {
+               wdata[0] = lmt_id;
+               wdata[0] |= 15ULL << 12;
+               wdata[0] |= VECTOR_SIZE_BITS;
+               pa[0] = (ws->grp_base + (queue_id << 12) + 
SSO_LF_GGRP_OP_AW_LMTST) | (0x7 << 4);
+               sz0 = 16 << ROC_SSO_AW_PER_LMT_LINE_LOG2;
+               wdata[1] = lmt_id + 16;
+               pa[1] = (ws->grp_base + (queue_id << 12) + 
SSO_LF_GGRP_OP_AW_LMTST) | (0x7 << 4);
+               lines -= 17;
+               wdata[1] |= partial_line ? (uint64_t)(lines + 1) << 12 : 
(uint64_t)(lines << 12);
+               wdata[1] |= partial_line ? 
partial_line) :
+                                          VECTOR_SIZE_BITS;
+               sz1 = burst - sz0;
+               partial_line = 0;
+       } else if (lines) {
+               /* We need to handle two cases here:
+                * 1. Partial line spill over to wdata[1] i.e. lines == 16
+                * 2. Partial line with spill lines < 16.
+                */
+               wdata[0] = lmt_id;
+               pa[0] = (ws->grp_base + (queue_id << 12) + 
SSO_LF_GGRP_OP_AW_LMTST) | (0x7 << 4);
+               sz0 = lines << ROC_SSO_AW_PER_LMT_LINE_LOG2;
+               if (lines == 16) {
+                       wdata[0] |= 15ULL << 12;
+                       wdata[0] |= VECTOR_SIZE_BITS;
+                       if (partial_line) {
+                               wdata[1] = lmt_id + 16;
+                               pa[1] = (ws->grp_base + (queue_id << 12) +
+                                        SSO_LF_GGRP_OP_AW_LMTST) |
+                                       ((partial_line - 1) << 4);
+                       }
+               } else {
+                       lines -= 1;
+                       wdata[0] |= partial_line ? (uint64_t)(lines + 1) << 12 :
+                                                  (uint64_t)(lines << 12);
+                       wdata[0] |= partial_line ?
partial_line) :
+                                           VECTOR_SIZE_BITS;
+                       sz0 += partial_line;
+               }
+               sz1 = burst - sz0;
+               partial_line = 0;
+       }
+       /* Only partial lines */
+       if (partial_line) {
+               wdata[0] = lmt_id;
+               pa[0] = (ws->grp_base + (queue_id << 12) + 
+                       ((partial_line - 1) << 4);
+               sz0 = partial_line;
+               sz1 = burst - sz0;
+       }
+#if defined(RTE_ARCH_ARM64)
+       uint64x2_t aw_mask = {0xC0FFFFFFFFULL, ~0x0ULL};
+       uint64x2_t tt_mask = {0x300000000ULL, 0};
+       uint16_t parts;
+       while (burst) {
+               parts = burst > 7 ? 8 : plt_align32prevpow2(burst);
+               burst -= parts;
+               /* Lets try to fill at least one line per burst. */
+               switch (parts) {
+               case 8: {
+                       uint64x2_t aw0, aw1, aw2, aw3, aw4, aw5, aw6, aw7;
+                       aw0 = vandq_u64(vld1q_u64((const uint64_t *)&ev[0]), 
+                       aw1 = vandq_u64(vld1q_u64((const uint64_t *)&ev[1]), 
+                       aw2 = vandq_u64(vld1q_u64((const uint64_t *)&ev[2]), 
+                       aw3 = vandq_u64(vld1q_u64((const uint64_t *)&ev[3]), 
+                       aw4 = vandq_u64(vld1q_u64((const uint64_t *)&ev[4]), 
+                       aw5 = vandq_u64(vld1q_u64((const uint64_t *)&ev[5]), 
+                       aw6 = vandq_u64(vld1q_u64((const uint64_t *)&ev[6]), 
+                       aw7 = vandq_u64(vld1q_u64((const uint64_t *)&ev[7]), 
+                       aw0 = vorrq_u64(vandq_u64(vshrq_n_u64(aw0, 6), 
tt_mask), aw0);
+                       aw1 = vorrq_u64(vandq_u64(vshrq_n_u64(aw1, 6), 
tt_mask), aw1);
+                       aw2 = vorrq_u64(vandq_u64(vshrq_n_u64(aw2, 6), 
tt_mask), aw2);
+                       aw3 = vorrq_u64(vandq_u64(vshrq_n_u64(aw3, 6), 
tt_mask), aw3);
+                       aw4 = vorrq_u64(vandq_u64(vshrq_n_u64(aw4, 6), 
tt_mask), aw4);
+                       aw5 = vorrq_u64(vandq_u64(vshrq_n_u64(aw5, 6), 
tt_mask), aw5);
+                       aw6 = vorrq_u64(vandq_u64(vshrq_n_u64(aw6, 6), 
tt_mask), aw6);
+                       aw7 = vorrq_u64(vandq_u64(vshrq_n_u64(aw7, 6), 
tt_mask), aw7);
+                       vst1q_u64((void *)lmt_addr, aw0);
+                       vst1q_u64((void *)PLT_PTR_ADD(lmt_addr, 16), aw1);
+                       vst1q_u64((void *)PLT_PTR_ADD(lmt_addr, 32), aw2);
+                       vst1q_u64((void *)PLT_PTR_ADD(lmt_addr, 48), aw3);
+                       vst1q_u64((void *)PLT_PTR_ADD(lmt_addr, 64), aw4);
+                       vst1q_u64((void *)PLT_PTR_ADD(lmt_addr, 80), aw5);
+                       vst1q_u64((void *)PLT_PTR_ADD(lmt_addr, 96), aw6);
+                       vst1q_u64((void *)PLT_PTR_ADD(lmt_addr, 112), aw7);
+                       lmt_addr = (uintptr_t)PLT_PTR_ADD(lmt_addr, 128);
+               } break;
+               case 4: {
+                       uint64x2_t aw0, aw1, aw2, aw3;
+                       aw0 = vandq_u64(vld1q_u64((const uint64_t *)&ev[0]), 
+                       aw1 = vandq_u64(vld1q_u64((const uint64_t *)&ev[1]), 
+                       aw2 = vandq_u64(vld1q_u64((const uint64_t *)&ev[2]), 
+                       aw3 = vandq_u64(vld1q_u64((const uint64_t *)&ev[3]), 
+                       aw0 = vorrq_u64(vandq_u64(vshrq_n_u64(aw0, 6), 
tt_mask), aw0);
+                       aw1 = vorrq_u64(vandq_u64(vshrq_n_u64(aw1, 6), 
tt_mask), aw1);
+                       aw2 = vorrq_u64(vandq_u64(vshrq_n_u64(aw2, 6), 
tt_mask), aw2);
+                       aw3 = vorrq_u64(vandq_u64(vshrq_n_u64(aw3, 6), 
tt_mask), aw3);
+                       vst1q_u64((void *)lmt_addr, aw0);
+                       vst1q_u64((void *)PLT_PTR_ADD(lmt_addr, 16), aw1);
+                       vst1q_u64((void *)PLT_PTR_ADD(lmt_addr, 32), aw2);
+                       vst1q_u64((void *)PLT_PTR_ADD(lmt_addr, 48), aw3);
+                       lmt_addr = (uintptr_t)PLT_PTR_ADD(lmt_addr, 64);
+               } break;
+               case 2: {
+                       uint64x2_t aw0, aw1;
+                       aw0 = vandq_u64(vld1q_u64((const uint64_t *)&ev[0]), 
+                       aw1 = vandq_u64(vld1q_u64((const uint64_t *)&ev[1]), 
+                       aw0 = vorrq_u64(vandq_u64(vshrq_n_u64(aw0, 6), 
tt_mask), aw0);
+                       aw1 = vorrq_u64(vandq_u64(vshrq_n_u64(aw1, 6), 
tt_mask), aw1);
+                       vst1q_u64((void *)lmt_addr, aw0);
+                       vst1q_u64((void *)PLT_PTR_ADD(lmt_addr, 16), aw1);
+                       lmt_addr = (uintptr_t)PLT_PTR_ADD(lmt_addr, 32);
+               } break;
+               case 1: {
+                       __uint128_t aw0;
+                       aw0 = ev[0].u64;
+                       aw0 <<= 64;
+                       aw0 |= ev[0].event & (BIT_ULL(32) - 1);
+                       aw0 |= (uint64_t)ev[0].sched_type << 32;
+                       *((__uint128_t *)lmt_addr) = aw0;
+                       lmt_addr = (uintptr_t)PLT_PTR_ADD(lmt_addr, 16);
+               } break;
+               }
+               ev += parts;
+       }
+       uint16_t i;
+       for (i = 0; i < burst; i++) {
+               __uint128_t aw0;
+               aw0 = ev[0].u64;
+               aw0 <<= 64;
+               aw0 |= ev[0].event & (BIT_ULL(32) - 1);
+               aw0 |= (uint64_t)ev[0].sched_type << 32;
+               *((__uint128_t *)lmt_addr) = aw0;
+               lmt_addr = (uintptr_t)PLT_PTR_ADD(lmt_addr, 16);
+       }
+       /* wdata[0] will be always valid */
+       sso_lmt_aw_wait_fc(ws, sz0);
+       roc_lmt_submit_steorl(wdata[0], pa[0]);
+       if (wdata[1]) {
+               sso_lmt_aw_wait_fc(ws, sz1);
+               roc_lmt_submit_steorl(wdata[1], pa[1]);
+       }
+       left -= (sz0 + sz1);
+       if (left)
+               goto again;
+       return n;
+uint16_t __rte_hot
+cn20k_sso_hws_enq_burst(void *port, const struct rte_event ev[], uint16_t 
+       struct cn20k_sso_hws *ws = port;
+       RTE_SET_USED(nb_events);
+       switch (ev->op) {
+       case RTE_EVENT_OP_NEW:
+               return cn20k_sso_hws_new_event(ws, ev);
+       case RTE_EVENT_OP_FORWARD:
+               cn20k_sso_hws_forward_event(ws, ev);
+               break;
+       case RTE_EVENT_OP_RELEASE:
+               if (ws->swtag_req) {
+                       cnxk_sso_hws_desched(ev->u64, ws->base);
+                       ws->swtag_req = 0;
+                       break;
+               }
+               cnxk_sso_hws_swtag_flush(ws->base);
+               break;
+       default:
+               return 0;
+       }
+       return 1;
+uint16_t __rte_hot
+cn20k_sso_hws_enq_new_burst(void *port, const struct rte_event ev[], uint16_t 
+       uint16_t idx = 0, done = 0, rc = 0;
+       struct cn20k_sso_hws *ws = port;
+       uint8_t queue_id;
+       int32_t space;
+       /* Do a common back-pressure check and return */
+       space = sso_read_xaq_space(ws) - ws->xae_waes;
+       if (space <= 0)
+               return 0;
+       nb_events = space < nb_events ? space : nb_events;
+       do {
+               queue_id = ev[idx].queue_id;
+               for (idx = idx + 1; idx < nb_events; idx++)
+                       if (queue_id != ev[idx].queue_id)
+                               break;
+               rc = cn20k_sso_hws_new_event_lmtst(ws, queue_id, &ev[done], idx 
- done);
+               if (rc != (idx - done))
+                       return rc + done;
+               done += rc;
+       } while (done < nb_events);
+       return done;
+uint16_t __rte_hot
+cn20k_sso_hws_enq_fwd_burst(void *port, const struct rte_event ev[], uint16_t 
+       struct cn20k_sso_hws *ws = port;
+       RTE_SET_USED(nb_events);
+       cn20k_sso_hws_forward_event(ws, ev);
+       return 1;
diff --git a/drivers/event/cnxk/cn20k_worker.h 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5ff8f11b38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/event/cnxk/cn20k_worker.h
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(C) 2024 Marvell.
+ */
+#ifndef __CN20K_WORKER_H__
+#define __CN20K_WORKER_H__
+#include <rte_eventdev.h>
+#include "cnxk_worker.h"
+#include "cn20k_eventdev.h"
+/* CN20K Fastpath functions. */
+uint16_t __rte_hot cn20k_sso_hws_enq_burst(void *port, const struct rte_event 
+                                          uint16_t nb_events);
+uint16_t __rte_hot cn20k_sso_hws_enq_new_burst(void *port, const struct 
rte_event ev[],
+                                              uint16_t nb_events);
+uint16_t __rte_hot cn20k_sso_hws_enq_fwd_burst(void *port, const struct 
rte_event ev[],
+                                              uint16_t nb_events);
diff --git a/drivers/event/cnxk/ b/drivers/event/cnxk/
index 21cd5c5ae6..d0dc2320e1 100644
--- a/drivers/event/cnxk/
+++ b/drivers/event/cnxk/
@@ -232,6 +232,7 @@ endif
 if soc_type == 'cn20k' or soc_type == 'all'
 sources += files(
+        'cn20k_worker.c',

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