Changes in V2:
 - changed rounding to 100KHz which should be pretty safe.
 - limited the tsc_known_freq flag check to x86 arch.

Isaac Boukris (2):
  timer/linux: lower rounding of tsc estimation to 100KHz
  timer/linux/x86: override TSC freq if no tsc_known_freq

 lib/eal/common/eal_common_timer.c |  3 +-
 lib/eal/common/eal_private.h      |  2 +-
 lib/eal/freebsd/eal_timer.c       |  5 ++-
 lib/eal/linux/eal_timer.c         | 56 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 lib/eal/windows/eal_timer.c       |  5 ++-
 5 files changed, 61 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)


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