On 3. 9. 2024 21:49, Dean Marx wrote:
On Wed, Aug 21, 2024 at 10:53 AM Juraj Linkeš
<juraj.lin...@pantheon.tech> wrote:
The scatter Rx offload capability is needed for the pmd_buffer_scatter
test suite. The command that retrieves the capability is:
show port <port_id> rx_offload capabilities
The command also retrieves a lot of other capabilities (RX_OFFLOAD_*)
which are all added into a Flag. The Flag members correspond to NIC
capability names so a convenience function that looks for the supported
Flags in a testpmd output is also added.
The NIC capability names (mentioned above) are copy-pasted from the
Flag. Dynamic addition of Enum members runs into problems with typing
(mypy doesn't know about the members) and documentation generation
(Sphinx doesn't know about the members).
Signed-off-by: Juraj Linkeš <juraj.lin...@pantheon.tech>
+ #: Device supports VLAN offload.
+ #: Device supports receiving segmented mbufs.
This was an interesting section, I'm not super familiar with bitwise
shifting in python flags so I figured I'd ask while it's in mind if
there's any specific reason for shifting these two flags? Not a critique
of the code, just genuinely curious.
It's there just to mirror the flags in DPDK code.
Reviewed-by: Dean Marx <dm...@iol.unh.edu <mailto:dm...@iol.unh.edu>>