Members Attending
Aaron Conole
Hemant Agrawal
Honappa Nagarahalli
Kevin Traynor
Konstantin Ananyev
Maxime Coquelin
Morten Brørup (chair)
Stephen Hemminger

The technical board meetings are on every second Wednesday at 3 pm UTC.
Meetings are public. DPDK community members are welcome to attend on Zoom:
Minutes of previous meetings:

Next meeting will be on Wednesday 04-September-2024 at 3pm UTC,
and will be chaired by Stephen.

Agenda Items

1. Tech Writer status update (Nathan)
Natan gave an update on tech writer status.
A meeting has been held to establish which tasks tech writer Nandini can work 
on in the next 6 months.
Two tasks were singled out: Redundancies in the documentation, and content gaps.
Both require a bit of pre-work from the tech board. Each tech board member will 
be assigned a piece of documentation to identify redundancies/gaps, and pass on 
their notes to Nandini.

The tech board set an Olympic record with a meeting duration of only 10 
minutes. :-)

Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
-Morten Brørup

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