I wanted to point out a unique issue I've been experiencing on the
Mellanox/NVIDIA NICs (Connect x5). The mac address pool feature, which
is assessed in the test_invalid_address, inserts 128 (in the case of
Connect_X5) addresses and fails this test case. On the other hand,
Broadcom P225p devices are capped at 127 addresses because it includes
its default, vendor-provided mac address in the 128 mac address pool
total. Basically Mellanox allows 129 addresses total because they do
not include the device's default mac address total, and other devices
do include this address in the total.

This is a minor issue, but a consensus may need to be made since there
is no assertion that I can find anywhere stating which implementation
is correct.

On Wed, Sep 4, 2024 at 5:13 PM Dean Marx <dm...@iol.unh.edu> wrote:
>> <snip>
>> +        if should_receive:
>> +            self.verify(len(received_packets) == 1, "Expected packet not 
>> received")
>> +        else:
>> +            self.verify(len(received_packets) == 0, "Expected packet 
>> received")
> Side note, didn't notice until I tested it but "Expected packet received" 
> doesn't really make sense as an error message

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