Instead of using 'divide by 0' to check the struct length,
use the static_assert macro

Signed-off-by: Soumyadeep Hore <>
 drivers/common/idpf/base/virtchnl2.h | 13 +++++--------
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/common/idpf/base/virtchnl2.h 
index 1f59730297..f8b97f2e06 100644
--- a/drivers/common/idpf/base/virtchnl2.h
+++ b/drivers/common/idpf/base/virtchnl2.h
@@ -41,15 +41,12 @@
 /* State Machine error - Command sequence problem */
 #define        VIRTCHNL2_STATUS_ERR_ESM        201
-/* These macros are used to generate compilation errors if a structure/union
- * is not exactly the correct length. It gives a divide by zero error if the
- * structure/union is not of the correct size, otherwise it creates an enum
- * that is never used.
+/* This macro is used to generate compilation errors if a structure
+ * is not exactly the correct length.
-#define VIRTCHNL2_CHECK_STRUCT_LEN(n, X) enum virtchnl2_static_assert_enum_##X 
-       { virtchnl2_static_assert_##X = (n)/((sizeof(struct X) == (n)) ? 1 : 0) 
-#define VIRTCHNL2_CHECK_UNION_LEN(n, X) enum virtchnl2_static_asset_enum_##X \
-       { virtchnl2_static_assert_##X = (n)/((sizeof(union X) == (n)) ? 1 : 0) }
+#define VIRTCHNL2_CHECK_STRUCT_LEN(n, X)       \
+       static_assert((n) == sizeof(struct X),  \
+                     "Structure length does not match with the expected value")
 /* New major set of opcodes introduced and so leaving room for
  * old misc opcodes to be added in future. Also these opcodes may only

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