On 2024-05-02 16:22, Ferruh Yigit wrote:
On 5/2/2024 6:51 AM, Mattias Rönnblom wrote:
On 2024-05-01 18:19, Ferruh Yigit wrote:
On 4/28/2024 4:11 PM, Mattias Rönnblom wrote:
On 2024-04-26 16:38, Ferruh Yigit wrote:
For stats reset, use an offset instead of zeroing out actual stats
get_stats() displays diff between stats and offset.
This way stats only updated in datapath and offset only updated in
reset function. This makes stats reset function more reliable.

As stats only written by single thread, we can remove 'volatile'
which should improve the performance in datapath.

volatile wouldn't help you if you had multiple writers, so that can't be
the reason for its removal. It would be more accurate to say it should
be replaced with atomic updates. If you don't use volatile and don't use
atomics, you have to consider if the compiler can reach the conclusion
that it does not need to store the counter value for future use *for
that thread*. Since otherwise, I don't think the store actually needs to
occur. Since DPDK statistics tend to work, it's pretty obvious that
current compilers tend not to reach this conclusion.

Thanks Mattias for clarifying why we need volatile or atomics even with
single writer.

If this should be done 100% properly, the update operation should be a
non-atomic load, non-atomic add, and an atomic store. Similarly, for the
reset, the offset store should be atomic.


Considered the state of the rest of the DPDK code base, I think a
non-atomic, non-volatile solution is also fine.

Yes, this seems working practically but I guess better to follow above

(That said, I think we're better off just deprecating stats reset
altogether, and returning -ENOTSUP here meanwhile.)

As long as reset is reliable (here I mean it reset stats in every call)
and doesn't impact datapath performance, I am for to continue with it.
Returning non supported won't bring more benefit to users.

Signed-off-by: Ferruh Yigit <ferruh.yi...@amd.com>
Cc: Mattias Rönnblom <mattias.ronnb...@ericsson.com>
Cc: Stephen Hemminger <step...@networkplumber.org>
Cc: Morten Brørup <m...@smartsharesystems.com>

This update triggered by mail list discussion [1].


* Remove wrapping check for stats
    drivers/net/af_packet/rte_eth_af_packet.c | 66
    1 file changed, 41 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/net/af_packet/rte_eth_af_packet.c
index 397a32db5886..10c8e1e50139 100644
--- a/drivers/net/af_packet/rte_eth_af_packet.c
+++ b/drivers/net/af_packet/rte_eth_af_packet.c
@@ -51,8 +51,10 @@ struct pkt_rx_queue {
        uint16_t in_port;
        uint8_t vlan_strip;
    -    volatile unsigned long rx_pkts;
-    volatile unsigned long rx_bytes;
+    uint64_t rx_pkts;
+    uint64_t rx_bytes;
+    uint64_t rx_pkts_offset;
+    uint64_t rx_bytes_offset;

I suggest you introduce a separate struct for reset-able counters. It'll
make things cleaner, and you can sneak in atomics without too much
atomics-related bloat.

struct counter
      uint64_t count;
      uint64_t offset;

      struct counter rx_pkts;
      struct counter rx_bytes;

static uint64_t
counter_value(struct counter *counter)
      uint64_t count = __atomic_load_n(&counter->count,
      uint64_t offset = __atomic_load_n(&counter->offset,

      return count + offset;

static void
counter_reset(struct counter *counter)
      uint64_t count = __atomic_load_n(&counter->count,

      __atomic_store_n(&counter->offset, count, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);

static void
counter_add(struct counter *counter, uint64_t operand)
      __atomic_store_n(&counter->count, counter->count + operand,

Ack for separate struct for reset-able counters.

You'd have to port this to <rte_stdatomic.h> calls, which prevents
non-atomic loads from RTE_ATOMIC()s. The non-atomic reads above must be
replaced with explicit relaxed non-atomic load. Otherwise, if you just
use "counter->count", that would be an atomic load with sequential
consistency memory order on C11 atomics-based builds, which would result
in a barrier, at least on weakly ordered machines (e.g., ARM).

I am not sure I understand above.
As load and add will be non-atomic, why not access them directly, like:
`uint64_t count = counter->count;`

In case count is _Atomic (i.e., on enable_stdatomic=true builds), "count
= counter->count" will imply a memory barrier. On x86_64, I think it
will "only" be a compiler barrier (i.e., preventing optimization). On
weakly ordered machines, it will result in a barrier-instruction (or an
instruction-which-is-also-a-barrier, like in the example below).

include <stdatomic.h>

int relaxed_load(_Atomic int *p)
     atomic_load_explicit(p, memory_order_relaxed);

int direct_load(_Atomic int *p)
     return *p;

GCC 13.2 ARM64 ->

         ldr     w0, [x0]
         ldar    w0, [x0]

Do we need to declare count as '_Atomic', I wasn't planning to make
variable _Atomic. This way assignment won't introduce any memory barrier.

To use atomics in DPDK, the current requirements seems to be to use RTE_ATOMIC(). That macro expands to _Atomic in enable_stdatomic=true builds, and nothing otherwise.

Carefully crafted code using atomics will achieved the same performance and be more correct than the non-atomic variant. However, in practice, I think the non-atomic variant is very likely to produce the desired results.

So my understanding is, remove `volatile`, load and add without atomics,
and only use relaxed ordered atomics for store (to ensure value in
register stored to memory).

Yes, that would be the best option, would the DPDK atomics API allow its
implementation - but it doesn't. At least not if you care about what
happens in enable_stdatomic=true builds.

The second-best option is to use a rte_memory_order_relaxed atomic load,
a regular non-atomic add, and a relaxed atomic store.

I will send a new version of RFC with above understanding.

I would still use a struct and some helper-functions even for the less
ambitious, non-atomic variant.

The only drawback of using GCC built-ins type atomics here, versus an
atomic- and volatile-free approach, is that current compilers seems to
refuse merging atomic stores. It's beyond me why this is the case. If
you store to a variable twice in quick succession, it'll be two store
machine instructions, even in cases where the compiler *knows* the value
is identical. So volatile, even though you didn't ask for it. Weird.

So if you have a loop, you may want to make an "counter_add()" in the
end from a temporary, to get the final 0.001% of performance.


I can't really say which one of the following is better (because of
store in empty poll), but I will keep it as it is (b.):

for (i < nb_pkt) {
     stats =+ 1;

for (i < nb_pkt) {
     tmp =+ 1;
stats += tmp;

for (i < nb_pkt) {
     tmp =+ 1;
if (tmp)
     stats += tmp;

If the tech board thinks MT-safe reset-able software-manage statistics
is the future (as opposed to dropping reset support, for example), I
think this stuff should go into a separate header file, so other PMDs
can reuse it. Maybe out of scope for this patch.

I don't think we need MT-safe reset, the patch is already out to
document current status.

Well, what you are working on is a MT-safe reset, in the sense it allows
for one (1) resetting thread properly synchronize with multiple
concurrent counter-updating threads.

It's not going to be completely MT safe, since you can't have two
threads calling the reset function in parallel.

This is what I meant with "MT-safe reset", so multiple threads not
allowed to call stats reset in parallel.

And for multiple concurrent counter-updating threads case, suggestion is
to stop forwarding.

Above two are the update I added to 'rte_eth_stats_reset()' API, and I
believe we can continue with this restriction for the API.

Any change to the API should make this clear.

For HW stats reset is already reliable and for SW drives offset based
approach can make is reliable.

Unless you explicitly asked for it, I don't think this is in the agenda
of the techboard.

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