
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Slava Ovsiienko <viachesl...@nvidia.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2024 1:45 PM
> To: dev@dpdk.org
> Cc: Matan Azrad <ma...@nvidia.com>; Raslan Darawsheh
> <rasl...@nvidia.com>; Ori Kam <or...@nvidia.com>; Dariusz Sosnowski
> <dsosnow...@nvidia.com>; sta...@dpdk.org
> Subject: [PATCH] net/mlx5: fix error packets drop in the regular Rx
> When packet gets received with error it is reported in CQE structure and PMD
> analyzes the error syndrome and provides two options - either reset the entire
> queue for the critical errors, or just ignore the packet.
> The non-vectorized rx_burst did not ignore the non-critical error packets, and
> in case of packet length exceeding the mbuf data buffer length it took the 
> next
> element in the queue WQE ring, resulting in CQE/WQE consume indices
> synchronization lost.
> Fixes: aa67ed308458 ("net/mlx5: ignore non-critical syndromes for Rx
> queue")
> Cc: sta...@dpdk.org
> Signed-off-by: Viacheslav Ovsiienko <viachesl...@nvidia.com>
Patch applied to next-net-mlx,
Kindest regards,
Raslan Darawsheh

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