Anwser for [PATCH v3 8/8] mk: Add rule for installing runtime files Hi Panu,
Thank you for taking time in this revision :),. In this patchset I?ve tried to keep current behavior (make install) untouched, I mean thye don't affect the current makefile rules and they work like "new features". For that reason, they were created as new rules. Now you can do the next. 1) make config T=TARGET (Create a build directory with config files according TARGET and directoy environment) 2) make (build dpdk binaries) and in this point, if you chose some new rule from serie of patches (install-sdk, install-doc, install-bin... etc) the files that were built in the last step will be installed in paths according this site this just will be possibe if build/.config exist. 3) However if you use last rules, they should have the previos behavior before patches. example: make install T=x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc then the makefiles are going to config, build and install dpdk in a directory using TARGET as a name. thanks. Mario. ________________________________________ From: Panu Matilainen [] Sent: Friday, October 02, 2015 4:15 AM To: Arevalo, Mario Alfredo C; dev at Subject: Re: [dpdk-dev] [PATCH v3 8/8] mk: Add rule for installing runtime files On 10/01/2015 03:11 AM, Mario Carrillo wrote: > Add hierarchy-file support to the DPDK libraries, modules, > binary files, nic bind files and documentation, > when invoking "make install-fhs" (filesystem hierarchy standard) > runtime files will be by default installed in: > $(DESTDIR)/$(BIN_DIR) where BIN_DIR=/usr/bin (binary files) > $(DESTDIR)/$(SBIN_DIR) where SBIN_DIR=/usr/sbin/dpdk_nic_bind (nic bind > files) > $(DESTDIR)/$(DOC_DIR) where DOC_DIR=/usr/share/doc/dpdk (documentation) > $(DESTDIR)/$(LIB_DIR) (libraries) > if the architecture is 64 bits then LIB_DIR=/usr/lib64 > else LIB_DIR=/usr/lib > $(DESTDIR)/$(KERNEL_DIR) (modules) > if RTE_EXEC_ENV=linuxapp then > KERNEL_DIR=/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build > else KERNEL_DIR=/boot/modules > All directory variables mentioned above can be overridden. > This hierarchy is based on: > > Hmm, I think there's a slight misunderstanding here. What I meant earlier by install-sdk and install-fhs is to preserve the current behavior of "make install" as "make install-sdk" and have "make install-fhs" behave like normal OSS app on "make install", which installs everything (both devel and runtime parts) This patch series eliminates the current behavior of "make install" entirely. I personally would not miss it at all, but there likely are people relying on it since its quite visibly documented and all. So I think the idea was to introduce a separate FHS-installation target and then deal with the notion of default behaviors etc separately. I guess it was already this way in v2 of the series, apologies for missing it there. - Panu -