On 10/01/2015 03:11 AM, Mario Carrillo wrote: > Add hierarchy-file support to the DPDK libraries, modules, > binary files, nic bind files and documentation, > when invoking "make install-fhs" (filesystem hierarchy standard) > runtime files will be by default installed in: > $(DESTDIR)/$(BIN_DIR) where BIN_DIR=/usr/bin (binary files) > $(DESTDIR)/$(SBIN_DIR) where SBIN_DIR=/usr/sbin/dpdk_nic_bind (nic bind > files) > $(DESTDIR)/$(DOC_DIR) where DOC_DIR=/usr/share/doc/dpdk (documentation) > $(DESTDIR)/$(LIB_DIR) (libraries) > if the architecture is 64 bits then LIB_DIR=/usr/lib64 > else LIB_DIR=/usr/lib > $(DESTDIR)/$(KERNEL_DIR) (modules) > if RTE_EXEC_ENV=linuxapp then > KERNEL_DIR=/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build > else KERNEL_DIR=/boot/modules > All directory variables mentioned above can be overridden. > This hierarchy is based on: > http://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/file-hierarchy.html >
Hmm, I think there's a slight misunderstanding here. What I meant earlier by install-sdk and install-fhs is to preserve the current behavior of "make install" as "make install-sdk" and have "make install-fhs" behave like normal OSS app on "make install", which installs everything (both devel and runtime parts) This patch series eliminates the current behavior of "make install" entirely. I personally would not miss it at all, but there likely are people relying on it since its quite visibly documented and all. So I think the idea was to introduce a separate FHS-installation target and then deal with the notion of default behaviors etc separately. I guess it was already this way in v2 of the series, apologies for missing it there. - Panu -