11/07/2023 17:52, Tyler Retzlaff:
>  /**
>   * Macro to define a per lcore variable "var" of type "type", don't
>   * use keywords like "static" or "volatile" in type, just prefix the
>   * whole macro.
>   */
>  #define RTE_DEFINE_PER_LCORE(type, name)                     \
> -     __thread __typeof__(type) per_lcore_##name
> +     __declspec(thread) typeof(type) per_lcore_##name
>  /**
>   * Macro to declare an extern per lcore variable "var" of type "type"
>   */
>  #define RTE_DECLARE_PER_LCORE(type, name)                    \
> +     extern __declspec(thread) typeof(type) per_lcore_##name
> +#else
> +#define RTE_DEFINE_PER_LCORE(type, name)                     \
> +     __thread __typeof__(type) per_lcore_##name
> +
> +#define RTE_DECLARE_PER_LCORE(type, name)                    \
>       extern __thread __typeof__(type) per_lcore_##name
> +#endif

I'm afraid you damaged the doxygen document here.
Please check what happens when generating doxygen.
I suppose it does not take the RTE_TOOLCHAIN_MSVC path,
so it does not find any comment.

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