This series is one implementation to try and please users who want to
select more easily which parts of DPDK are built.

It introduces a change in behavior for enabling deprecated libraries:
this series is aimed at the next release but sent early as a demo of
what changes are required.

A deprecation notice has been sent so that this work can be merged in

Changes since v6:
- rebased on v23.11-rc0,
- updated docs,

Changes since v5:
- added acks from Morten,
- resent series as a new thread to avoid confusing patchwork with the
  previous partially applied series,

Changes since v4:
- rebased on main,
- switched to a list of enabled deprecated libraries,

Changes since v3:
- split kni cleanup,
- split variable rename cleanup,
- introduced a new meson option to control deprecated libraries
- simplified the actual implementation of enable_libs to mimic
  enable_drivers behavior,

David Marchand

David Marchand (2):
  build: select deprecated libraries
  build: select optional libraries

 .ci/                            |  2 +-
 devtools/                 |  8 +--
 doc/guides/prog_guide/flow_classify_lib.rst   |  5 +-
 .../prog_guide/kernel_nic_interface.rst       |  3 +-
 doc/guides/rel_notes/deprecation.rst          |  4 --
 doc/guides/rel_notes/release_23_11.rst        |  6 +++
 lib/                               | 50 +++++++++++++------
 meson_options.txt                             |  8 ++-
 8 files changed, 58 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)


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