Rework deprecated libraries selection by introducing a new configuration

This breaks existing configurations that were relying on disable_libs=''
for enabling deprecated libraries.
On the other hand, it will make enabling optional libraries more
straightforward by taking the deprecated libraries out of the picture.

Signed-off-by: David Marchand <>
Acked-by: Morten Brørup <>
Changes since v4:
- changed the option to a list of libraries instead of a global on/off
- moved all deprecated libs checks under a single block for readability,

 .ci/            |  2 +-
 devtools/ |  8 ++++----
 lib/               | 28 ++++++++++++++++++++--------
 meson_options.txt             |  4 +++-
 4 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.ci/ b/.ci/
index 45f2729996..e0b62bac90 100755
--- a/.ci/
+++ b/.ci/
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ if [ "$MINI" = "true" ]; then
     OPTS="$OPTS -Denable_drivers=net/null"
     OPTS="$OPTS -Ddisable_libs=*"
-    OPTS="$OPTS -Ddisable_libs="
+    OPTS="$OPTS -Denable_deprecated_libs=*"
 OPTS="$OPTS -Dlibdir=lib"
diff --git a/devtools/ b/devtools/
index 84b907d2ea..c41659d28b 100755
--- a/devtools/
+++ b/devtools/
@@ -120,10 +120,10 @@ config () # <dir> <builddir> <meson options>
-       # deprecated libs may be disabled by default, so for complete builds 
-       # no libs are disabled
-       if ! echo $* | grep -q -- 'disable_libs' ; then
-               options="$options -Ddisable_libs="
+       # deprecated libs are disabled by default, so for complete builds
+       # enable them
+       if ! echo $* | grep -q -- 'enable_deprecated_libs' ; then
+               options="$options -Denable_deprecated_libs=*"
        if echo $* | grep -qw -- '--default-library=shared' ; then
                options="$options -Dexamples=all"
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index fac2f52cad..73afd90b38 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -93,6 +93,15 @@ dpdk_libs_deprecated += [
+enable_deprecated_libs = []
+foreach l:run_command(list_dir_globs, get_option('enable_deprecated_libs'),
+        check: true).stdout().split()
+    if not dpdk_libs_deprecated.contains(l)
+        continue
+    endif
+    enable_deprecated_libs += l
 disabled_libs = []
 opt_disabled_libs = run_command(list_dir_globs, get_option('disable_libs'),
         check: true).stdout().split()
@@ -137,16 +146,19 @@ foreach l:libraries
         deps += ['eal']
-    if disabled_libs.contains(l)
-        build = false
-        reason = 'explicitly disabled via build config'
-        if dpdk_libs_deprecated.contains(l)
-            reason += ' (deprecated lib)'
-        endif
-    else
-        if dpdk_libs_deprecated.contains(l)
+    if dpdk_libs_deprecated.contains(l)
+        if not enable_deprecated_libs.contains(l)
+            build = false
+            reason = 'not in enabled deprecated libraries build config'
+        else
             warning('Enabling deprecated library, "@0@"'.format(l))
+    elif disabled_libs.contains(l)
+        build = false
+        reason = 'explicitly disabled via build config'
+    endif
+    if build
     if name != l
diff --git a/meson_options.txt b/meson_options.txt
index 82c8297065..839d4266c6 100644
--- a/meson_options.txt
+++ b/meson_options.txt
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ option('disable_apps', type: 'string', value: '', description:
        'Comma-separated list of apps to explicitly disable.')
 option('disable_drivers', type: 'string', value: '', description:
        'Comma-separated list of drivers to explicitly disable.')
-option('disable_libs', type: 'string', value: 'flow_classify,kni', description:
+option('disable_libs', type: 'string', value: '', description:
        'Comma-separated list of libraries to explicitly disable. [NOTE: not 
all libs can be disabled]')
 option('drivers_install_subdir', type: 'string', value: 'dpdk/pmds-<VERSION>', 
        'Subdirectory of libdir where to install PMDs. Defaults to using a 
versioned subdirectory.')
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ option('enable_docs', type: 'boolean', value: false, 
        'build documentation')
 option('enable_apps', type: 'string', value: '', description:
        'Comma-separated list of apps to build. If unspecified, build all 
+option('enable_deprecated_libs', type: 'string', value: '', description:
+       'Comma-separated list of deprecated libraries to explicitly enable.')
 option('enable_drivers', type: 'string', value: '', description:
        'Comma-separated list of drivers to build. If unspecified, build all 
 option('enable_driver_sdk', type: 'boolean', value: false, description:

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