The fast-tests are special in that they have additional parameters
associated with them. This requires script changes and
changes to take account of these parameters.

Signed-off-by: Bruce Richardson <>
 app/test/suites/                   | 56 +++++++++++++++++--
 buildtools/                 |  9 +++
 .../                          |  0
 buildtools/                        |  1 +
 4 files changed, 61 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
 rename app/test/ => buildtools/ (100%)

diff --git a/app/test/suites/ b/app/test/suites/
index 135620578c..720b43eb62 100644
--- a/app/test/suites/
+++ b/app/test/suites/
@@ -4,20 +4,24 @@
 # some perf tests (eg: memcpy perf autotest)take very long
 # to complete, so timeout to 10 minutes
 timeout_seconds = 600
+timeout_seconds_fast = 10
+test_no_huge_args = ['--no-huge', '-m', '2048']
+has_hugepage = run_command(has_hugepages_cmd, check: true).stdout().strip() != 
+message('hugepage availability: @0@'.format(has_hugepage))
 # process source files to determine the different unit test suites
 # - fast_tests
 # - perf_tests
 # - driver_tests
-test_suites = run_command(get_test_suites_cmd, 
+test_suites = run_command(get_test_suites_cmd, autotest_sources,
+         check: true).stdout().strip().split()
 foreach suite:test_suites
     suite = suite.split('=')
     suite_name = suite[0]
     suite_tests = suite[1].split(',')
-    if suite_name == 'fast-tests'
-    # special fast-test handling here
-    else
+    if suite_name != 'fast-tests'
+        # simple cases - tests without parameters or special handling
         foreach t: suite_tests
             test(t, dpdk_test,
                     args: ['--', t],
@@ -25,5 +29,47 @@ foreach suite:test_suites
                     is_parallel: false,
                     suite: suite_name)
+    else
+    # special fast-test handling here
+        foreach t: suite_tests
+            params = t.split(':')
+            test_name = params[0]
+            nohuge = params[1] == 'true'
+            asan = params[2] == 'true'
+            test_args = []
+            if nohuge
+                test_args += test_no_huge_args
+            elif not has_hugepage
+                continue  #skip this tests
+            endif
+            if not asan and (get_option('b_sanitize') == 'address'
+                    or get_option('b_sanitize') == 'address,undefined')
+                continue  # skip this test
+            endif
+            if (get_option('default_library') == 'shared' 
+                    and test_name == 'event_eth_tx_adapter_autotest')
+                test_args += ['-d', dpdk_drivers_build_dir]
+            endif
+            if is_linux
+                test_args += ['--file-prefix=@0@'.format(arg[0])]
+            endif
+            test(test_name, dpdk_test,
+                args : test_args + ['--', test_name],
+                timeout : timeout_seconds_fast,
+                is_parallel : false,
+                suite : 'fast-tests')
+            if not is_windows and test_name == 'trace_autotest'
+                test_args += ['--trace=.*']
+                test_args += 
+                test(test_name + '_with_traces', dpdk_test,
+                    args : test_args + ['--', test_name],
+                    timeout : timeout_seconds_fast,
+                    is_parallel : false,
+                    suite : 'fast-tests')
+            endif
+        endforeach
diff --git a/buildtools/ b/buildtools/
index 43cde80970..95a9cad4c8 100644
--- a/buildtools/
+++ b/buildtools/
@@ -9,6 +9,13 @@
 test_def_regex = re.compile("REGISTER_([A-Z]+)_TEST\s*\(\s*([a-z0-9_]+)")
 test_suites = {}
+def get_fast_test_params(test_name, ln):
+    "Extract the extra fast-test parameters from the line"
+    #print(f"ln: {ln.rstrip()}, test_name: {test_name}, split: 
{ln.split(test_name, 1)}")
+    (_, rest_of_line) = ln.split(test_name, 1)
+    (_, nohuge, asan, _func) = rest_of_line.split(',', 3)
+    return f":{nohuge.strip().lower()}:{asan.strip().lower()}"
 for fname in input_list:
     with open(fname) as f:
         contents = [ln for ln in f.readlines() if 
@@ -19,6 +26,8 @@
             test_suites[suite_name] = [test_name]
+        if suite_name == "fast-tests":
+            test_suites["fast-tests"][-1] += get_fast_test_params(test_name, 
 for suite in test_suites.keys():
diff --git a/app/test/ b/buildtools/
similarity index 100%
rename from app/test/
rename to buildtools/
diff --git a/buildtools/ b/buildtools/
index 12e4b36165..ac5e4dcf08 100644
--- a/buildtools/
+++ b/buildtools/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ sphinx_wrapper = py3 + files('')
 get_cpu_count_cmd = py3 + files('')
 get_numa_count_cmd = py3 + files('')
 get_test_suites_cmd = py3 + files('')
+has_hugepages_cmd = py3 + files('')
 binutils_avx512_check = (py3 + files('') +
                         [objdump] + cc.cmd_array())

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