Rather than using if-else constructs to selectively add or remove files
from the UT build, switch to a table-based approach where each file
lists out what libs or drivers it depends upon.

Initial version of this table was generated via analysis of the header
files included in each C file.

Signed-off-by: Bruce Richardson <bruce.richard...@intel.com>
 app/meson.build      |   8 +-
 app/test/meson.build | 796 +++++++++++--------------------------------
 2 files changed, 203 insertions(+), 601 deletions(-)

diff --git a/app/meson.build b/app/meson.build
index 4fc1a83eba..0d8b618e7f 100644
--- a/app/meson.build
+++ b/app/meson.build
@@ -32,6 +32,11 @@ apps = [
+if get_option('tests')
+# build the auto test app if enabled.
+    apps += 'test'
 default_cflags = machine_args + ['-DALLOW_EXPERIMENTAL_API']
 default_ldflags = []
 if get_option('default_library') == 'static' and not is_windows
@@ -106,6 +111,3 @@ foreach app:apps
             install_rpath: join_paths(get_option('prefix'), 
             install: true)
-# special case the autotests
diff --git a/app/test/meson.build b/app/test/meson.build
index b89cf0368f..475d87860e 100644
--- a/app/test/meson.build
+++ b/app/test/meson.build
@@ -1,452 +1,202 @@
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
-# Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation
-if not get_option('tests')
-    subdir_done()
-test_sources = files(
-        'commands.c',
-        'packet_burst_generator.c',
-        'test.c',
-        'test_acl.c',
-        'test_alarm.c',
-        'test_atomic.c',
-        'test_barrier.c',
-        'test_bitops.c',
-        'test_bitmap.c',
-        'test_bpf.c',
-        'test_byteorder.c',
-        'test_cksum.c',
-        'test_cksum_perf.c',
-        'test_cmdline.c',
-        'test_cmdline_cirbuf.c',
-        'test_cmdline_etheraddr.c',
-        'test_cmdline_ipaddr.c',
-        'test_cmdline_lib.c',
-        'test_cmdline_num.c',
-        'test_cmdline_portlist.c',
-        'test_cmdline_string.c',
-        'test_common.c',
-        'test_cpuflags.c',
-        'test_crc.c',
-        'test_cryptodev.c',
-        'test_cryptodev_asym.c',
-        'test_cryptodev_blockcipher.c',
-        'test_cryptodev_crosscheck.c',
-        'test_cryptodev_security_ipsec.c',
-        'test_cryptodev_security_pdcp.c',
-        'test_cycles.c',
-        'test_debug.c',
-        'test_devargs.c',
-        'test_distributor.c',
-        'test_distributor_perf.c',
-        'test_dmadev.c',
-        'test_dmadev_api.c',
-        'test_eal_flags.c',
-        'test_eal_fs.c',
-        'test_efd.c',
-        'test_efd_perf.c',
-        'test_errno.c',
-        'test_ethdev_link.c',
-        'test_event_crypto_adapter.c',
-        'test_event_eth_rx_adapter.c',
-        'test_event_ring.c',
-        'test_event_timer_adapter.c',
-        'test_eventdev.c',
-        'test_external_mem.c',
-        'test_fbarray.c',
-        'test_fib.c',
-        'test_fib_perf.c',
-        'test_fib6.c',
-        'test_fib6_perf.c',
-        'test_func_reentrancy.c',
-        'test_hash.c',
-        'test_hash_functions.c',
-        'test_hash_multiwriter.c',
-        'test_hash_readwrite.c',
-        'test_hash_perf.c',
-        'test_hash_readwrite_lf_perf.c',
-        'test_interrupts.c',
-        'test_ipfrag.c',
-        'test_ipsec.c',
-        'test_ipsec_sad.c',
-        'test_ipsec_perf.c',
-        'test_kni.c',
-        'test_kvargs.c',
-        'test_lcores.c',
-        'test_logs.c',
-        'test_lpm.c',
-        'test_lpm6.c',
-        'test_lpm6_perf.c',
-        'test_lpm_perf.c',
-        'test_malloc.c',
-        'test_malloc_perf.c',
-        'test_mbuf.c',
-        'test_member.c',
-        'test_member_perf.c',
-        'test_memcpy.c',
-        'test_memcpy_perf.c',
-        'test_memory.c',
-        'test_mempool.c',
-        'test_mempool_perf.c',
-        'test_memzone.c',
-        'test_meter.c',
-        'test_mcslock.c',
-        'test_mp_secondary.c',
-        'test_per_lcore.c',
-        'test_pflock.c',
-        'test_pmd_perf.c',
-        'test_power.c',
-        'test_power_cpufreq.c',
-        'test_power_kvm_vm.c',
-        'test_power_intel_uncore.c',
-        'test_prefetch.c',
-        'test_rand_perf.c',
-        'test_rawdev.c',
-        'test_rcu_qsbr.c',
-        'test_rcu_qsbr_perf.c',
-        'test_reassembly_perf.c',
-        'test_reciprocal_division.c',
-        'test_reciprocal_division_perf.c',
-        'test_red.c',
-        'test_pie.c',
-        'test_reorder.c',
-        'test_rib.c',
-        'test_rib6.c',
-        'test_ring.c',
-        'test_ring_mpmc_stress.c',
-        'test_ring_hts_stress.c',
-        'test_ring_mt_peek_stress.c',
-        'test_ring_mt_peek_stress_zc.c',
-        'test_ring_perf.c',
-        'test_ring_rts_stress.c',
-        'test_ring_st_peek_stress.c',
-        'test_ring_st_peek_stress_zc.c',
-        'test_ring_stress.c',
-        'test_rwlock.c',
-        'test_sched.c',
-        'test_security.c',
-        'test_security_inline_macsec.c',
-        'test_security_inline_proto.c',
-        'test_seqlock.c',
-        'test_service_cores.c',
-        'test_spinlock.c',
-        'test_stack.c',
-        'test_stack_perf.c',
-        'test_string_fns.c',
-        'test_tailq.c',
-        'test_thash.c',
-        'test_thash_perf.c',
-        'test_threads.c',
-        'test_timer.c',
-        'test_timer_perf.c',
-        'test_timer_racecond.c',
-        'test_timer_secondary.c',
-        'test_ticketlock.c',
-        'test_trace.c',
-        'test_trace_register.c',
-        'test_trace_perf.c',
-        'test_version.c',
-        'virtual_pmd.c',
-test_deps = dpdk_libs_enabled
-# as well as libs, the pci and vdev bus drivers are needed for a lot of tests
-test_deps += ['bus_pci', 'bus_vdev']
-# Each test is marked with flags:
-# - the first flag indicates whether the test can run in no-huge mode,
-# - the second flag indicates whether the test can run with ASan enabled,
-fast_tests = [
-        ['acl_autotest', true, true],
-        ['atomic_autotest', false, true],
-        ['bitmap_autotest', true, true],
-        ['bpf_autotest', true, true],
-        ['bpf_convert_autotest', true, true],
-        ['bitops_autotest', true, true],
-        ['byteorder_autotest', true, true],
-        ['cksum_autotest', true, true],
-        ['cmdline_autotest', true, true],
-        ['common_autotest', true, true],
-        ['cpuflags_autotest', true, true],
-        ['debug_autotest', true, true],
-        ['devargs_autotest', true, true],
-        ['eal_flags_c_opt_autotest', false, false],
-        ['eal_flags_main_opt_autotest', false, false],
-        ['eal_flags_n_opt_autotest', false, false],
-        ['eal_flags_hpet_autotest', false, false],
-        ['eal_flags_no_huge_autotest', false, false],
-        ['eal_flags_a_opt_autotest', false, false],
-        ['eal_flags_b_opt_autotest', false, false],
-        ['eal_flags_vdev_opt_autotest', false, false],
-        ['eal_flags_r_opt_autotest', false, false],
-        ['eal_flags_mem_autotest', false, false],
-        ['eal_flags_file_prefix_autotest', false, false],
-        ['eal_flags_misc_autotest', false, false],
-        ['eal_fs_autotest', true, true],
-        ['errno_autotest', true, true],
-        ['ethdev_link_status', true, true],
-        ['event_ring_autotest', true, true],
-        ['fib_autotest', true, true],
-        ['fib6_autotest', true, true],
-        ['func_reentrancy_autotest', false, true],
-        ['hash_autotest', true, true],
-        ['interrupt_autotest', true, true],
-        ['ipfrag_autotest', false, true],
-        ['lcores_autotest', true, true],
-        ['logs_autotest', true, true],
-        ['lpm_autotest', true, true],
-        ['lpm6_autotest', true, true],
-        ['malloc_autotest', false, true],
-        ['mbuf_autotest', false, true],
-        ['mcslock_autotest', false, true],
-        ['memcpy_autotest', true, true],
-        ['memory_autotest', false, true],
-        ['mempool_autotest', false, true],
-        ['memzone_autotest', false, true],
-        ['meter_autotest', true, true],
-        ['multiprocess_autotest', false, false],
-        ['per_lcore_autotest', true, true],
-        ['pflock_autotest', true, true],
-        ['prefetch_autotest', true, true],
-        ['rcu_qsbr_autotest', true, true],
-        ['pie_autotest', true, true],
-        ['rib_autotest', true, true],
-        ['rib6_autotest', true, true],
-        ['ring_autotest', true, true],
-        ['rwlock_test1_autotest', true, true],
-        ['rwlock_rda_autotest', true, true],
-        ['rwlock_rds_wrm_autotest', true, true],
-        ['rwlock_rde_wro_autotest', true, true],
-        ['sched_autotest', true, true],
-        ['security_autotest', false, true],
-        ['seqlock_autotest', true, true],
-        ['spinlock_autotest', true, true],
-        ['stack_autotest', false, true],
-        ['stack_lf_autotest', false, true],
-        ['string_autotest', true, true],
-        ['tailq_autotest', true, true],
-        ['ticketlock_autotest', true, true],
-        ['timer_autotest', false, true],
-        ['user_delay_us', true, true],
-        ['version_autotest', true, true],
-        ['crc_autotest', true, true],
-        ['distributor_autotest', false, true],
-        ['eventdev_common_autotest', true, true],
-        ['fbarray_autotest', true, true],
-        ['hash_readwrite_func_autotest', false, true],
-        ['ipsec_autotest', true, true],
-        ['kni_autotest', false, true],
-        ['kvargs_autotest', true, true],
-        ['member_autotest', true, true],
-        ['power_cpufreq_autotest', false, true],
-        ['power_autotest', true, true],
-        ['power_kvm_vm_autotest', false, true],
-        ['power_intel_uncore_autotest', true, true],
-        ['reorder_autotest', true, true],
-        ['service_autotest', true, true],
-        ['thash_autotest', true, true],
-        ['threads_autotest', true, true],
-        ['trace_autotest', true, true],
-# Tests known to have issues or which don't belong in other tests lists.
-extra_test_names = [
-        'alarm_autotest', # ee00af60170b ("test: remove strict timing 
requirements some tests")
-        'red_autotest', # https://bugs.dpdk.org/show_bug.cgi?id=826
-perf_test_names = [
-        'ring_perf_autotest',
-        'malloc_perf_autotest',
-        'mempool_perf_autotest',
-        'memcpy_perf_autotest',
-        'hash_perf_autotest',
-        'timer_perf_autotest',
-        'reciprocal_division',
-        'reciprocal_division_perf',
-        'lpm_perf_autotest',
-        'rib_slow_autotest',
-        'fib_slow_autotest',
-        'fib_perf_autotest',
-        'red_all',
-        'pie_all',
-        'barrier_autotest',
-        'hash_multiwriter_autotest',
-        'timer_racecond_autotest',
-        'efd_autotest',
-        'hash_functions_autotest',
-        'member_perf_autotest',
-        'efd_perf_autotest',
-        'lpm6_perf_autotest',
-        'rib6_slow_autotest',
-        'fib6_slow_autotest',
-        'fib6_perf_autotest',
-        'rcu_qsbr_perf_autotest',
-        'red_perf',
-        'pie_perf',
-        'distributor_perf_autotest',
-        'pmd_perf_autotest',
-        'service_perf_autotest',
-        'stack_perf_autotest',
-        'stack_lf_perf_autotest',
-        'rand_perf_autotest',
-        'hash_readwrite_perf_autotest',
-        'hash_readwrite_lf_perf_autotest',
-        'trace_perf_autotest',
-        'ipsec_perf_autotest',
-        'thash_perf_autotest',
-        'reassembly_perf_autotest',
-driver_test_names = [
-        'cryptodev_aesni_gcm_autotest',
-        'cryptodev_aesni_mb_autotest',
-        'cryptodev_chacha_poly_mb_autotest',
-        'cryptodev_cn10k_autotest',
-        'cryptodev_cn9k_autotest',
-        'cryptodev_cpu_aesni_mb_autotest',
-        'cryptodev_cpu_aesni_gcm_autotest',
-        'cryptodev_dpaa2_sec_autotest',
-        'cryptodev_dpaa_sec_autotest',
-        'cryptodev_null_autotest',
-        'cryptodev_openssl_autotest',
-        'cryptodev_qat_autotest',
-        'cryptodev_qat_asym_autotest',
-        'cryptodev_qat_raw_api_autotest',
-        'cryptodev_sw_armv8_autotest',
-        'cryptodev_sw_kasumi_autotest',
-        'cryptodev_sw_mvsam_autotest',
-        'cryptodev_sw_snow3g_autotest',
-        'cryptodev_sw_zuc_autotest',
-        'cryptodev_uadk_autotest',
-        'dmadev_autotest',
-dump_test_names = []
-if not is_windows
-    driver_test_names += [
-            'cryptodev_openssl_asym_autotest',
-            'eventdev_selftest_octeontx',
-            'eventdev_selftest_sw',
-    ]
-    dump_test_names += [
-            'dump_struct_sizes',
-            'dump_mempool',
-            'dump_malloc_stats',
-            'dump_devargs',
-            'dump_log_types',
-            'dump_ring',
-            'dump_physmem',
-            'dump_memzone',
-    ]
-# The following linkages are an exception to allow running the
-# unit tests without requiring that the developer install the
-# DPDK libraries.  Explicit linkage of drivers (plugin libraries)
-# in applications should not be used.
-if dpdk_conf.has('RTE_MEMPOOL_RING')
-    test_deps += 'mempool_ring'
-if dpdk_conf.has('RTE_MEMPOOL_STACK')
-    test_deps += 'mempool_stack'
-if dpdk_conf.has('RTE_EVENT_SKELETON')
-    test_deps += 'event_skeleton'
-if dpdk_conf.has('RTE_LIB_FLOW_CLASSIFY')
-    test_sources += 'test_flow_classify.c'
-    fast_tests += [['flow_classify_autotest', false, true]]
-if dpdk_conf.has('RTE_LIB_GRAPH')
-    test_sources += 'test_graph.c'
-    fast_tests += [['graph_autotest', true, true]]
-    fast_tests += [['node_list_dump', true, true]]
-    test_sources += 'test_graph_perf.c'
-    perf_test_names += 'graph_perf_autotest'
-if dpdk_conf.has('RTE_LIB_METRICS')
-    test_sources += ['test_metrics.c']
-    fast_tests += [['metrics_autotest', true, true]]
-if not is_windows and dpdk_conf.has('RTE_LIB_TELEMETRY')
-    test_sources += ['test_telemetry_json.c', 'test_telemetry_data.c']
-    fast_tests += [['telemetry_json_autotest', true, true]]
-    fast_tests += [['telemetry_data_autotest', true, true]]
-if dpdk_conf.has('RTE_LIB_PIPELINE')
-# pipeline lib depends on port and table libs, so those must be present
-# if pipeline library is.
-    test_sources += [
-            'test_table.c',
-            'test_table_acl.c',
-            'test_table_combined.c',
-            'test_table_pipeline.c',
-            'test_table_ports.c',
-            'test_table_tables.c',
-    ]
-    fast_tests += [['table_autotest', true, true]]
-# The following linkages of drivers are required because
-# they are used via a driver-specific API.
-if dpdk_conf.has('RTE_NET_BOND')
-    test_deps += 'net_bond'
-    test_sources += ['test_link_bonding.c', 'test_link_bonding_rssconf.c']
-    driver_test_names += ['link_bonding_autotest', 
-    if dpdk_conf.has('RTE_NET_RING')
-        test_sources += 'test_link_bonding_mode4.c'
-        driver_test_names += 'link_bonding_mode4_autotest'
-    endif
-if dpdk_conf.has('RTE_LIB_EVENTDEV') and dpdk_conf.has('RTE_NET_RING')
-    test_deps += 'net_ring'
-    test_sources += 'test_pmd_ring_perf.c'
-    test_sources += 'test_pmd_ring.c'
-    test_sources += 'test_event_eth_tx_adapter.c'
-    test_sources += 'sample_packet_forward.c'
-    fast_tests += [['ring_pmd_autotest', true, true]]
-    perf_test_names += 'ring_pmd_perf_autotest'
-    fast_tests += [['event_eth_tx_adapter_autotest', false, true]]
-    if dpdk_conf.has('RTE_LIB_BITRATESTATS')
-        test_sources += 'test_bitratestats.c'
-        fast_tests += [['bitratestats_autotest', true, true]]
-    endif
-    if dpdk_conf.has('RTE_LIB_LATENCYSTATS')
-        test_sources += 'test_latencystats.c'
-        fast_tests += [['latencystats_autotest', true, true]]
-    endif
-    if dpdk_conf.has('RTE_LIB_PDUMP')
-        test_sources += 'test_pdump.c'
-        fast_tests += [['pdump_autotest', true, false]]
-    endif
-if dpdk_conf.has('RTE_NET_NULL')
-    test_deps += 'net_null'
-    test_sources += 'test_vdev.c'
-    fast_tests += [['vdev_autotest', true, true]]
-if dpdk_conf.has('RTE_RAW_SKELETON')
-    test_deps += 'raw_skeleton'
-    fast_tests += [['rawdev_autotest', true, true]]
-if dpdk_conf.has('RTE_HAS_LIBPCAP')
-    ext_deps += pcap_dep
-    if dpdk_conf.has('RTE_LIB_PCAPNG')
-        test_sources += 'test_pcapng.c'
+# Copyright(c) 2017-2023 Intel Corporation
+source_file_deps = {
+    'commands.c': ['ring', 'mempool', 'mbuf'],
+    'packet_burst_generator.c': ['mbuf', 'net'],
+    'resource.c': [],
+    'sample_packet_forward.c': ['net_ring', 'ethdev', 'mbuf', 'bus_vdev', 
'mempool', 'ring'],
+    'test.c': ['timer'],
+    'test_acl.c': ['mbuf', 'net', 'acl'],
+    'test_alarm.c': [],
+    'test_atomic.c': ['hash'],
+    'test_barrier.c': [],
+    'test_bitmap.c': [],
+    'test_bitops.c': [],
+    'test_bitratestats.c': ['metrics', 'bitratestats', 'ethdev'],
+    'test_bpf.c': ['bpf', 'net'],
+    'test_byteorder.c': [],
+#    'test_cfgfile.c': ['cfgfile'],
+    'test_cksum.c': ['net', 'mbuf'],
+    'test_cksum_perf.c': ['net'],
+    'test_cmdline.c': [],
+    'test_cmdline_cirbuf.c': [],
+    'test_cmdline_etheraddr.c': ['net'],
+    'test_cmdline_ipaddr.c': [],
+    'test_cmdline_lib.c': [],
+    'test_cmdline_num.c': [],
+    'test_cmdline_portlist.c': [],
+    'test_cmdline_string.c': [],
+    'test_common.c': [],
+    'test_compressdev.c': ['mempool', 'mbuf', 'compressdev'],
+    'test_cpuflags.c': [],
+    'test_crc.c': ['net'],
+    'test_cryptodev.c': ['mbuf', 'bus_vdev', 'net', 'cryptodev', 
'crypto_scheduler', 'security'],
+    'test_cryptodev_asym.c': ['bus_vdev', 'mbuf', 'cryptodev'],
+    'test_cryptodev_blockcipher.c': ['mbuf', 'cryptodev'],
+    'test_cryptodev_crosscheck.c': ['cryptodev'],
+    'test_cryptodev_security_ipsec.c': ['cryptodev', 'net', 'security'],
+    'test_cryptodev_security_pdcp.c': ['mbuf', 'bus_vdev', 'cryptodev', 
+    'test_cycles.c': [],
+    'test_debug.c': [],
+    'test_devargs.c': ['kvargs'],
+    'test_distributor.c': ['mempool', 'mbuf', 'distributor'],
+    'test_distributor_perf.c': ['mempool', 'mbuf', 'distributor'],
+    'test_dmadev.c': ['dmadev', 'mbuf', 'bus_vdev'],
+    'test_dmadev_api.c': ['dmadev'],
+    'test_eal_flags.c': [],
+    'test_eal_fs.c': [],
+    'test_efd.c': ['efd', 'net'],
+    'test_efd_perf.c': ['efd', 'hash'],
+    'test_errno.c': [],
+    'test_ethdev_link.c': ['ethdev'],
+    'test_event_crypto_adapter.c': ['mempool', 'mbuf', 'cryptodev', 
'eventdev', 'bus_vdev'],
+    'test_event_eth_rx_adapter.c': ['mempool', 'mbuf', 'ethdev', 'eventdev', 
+    'test_event_eth_tx_adapter.c': ['bus_vdev', 'ethdev', 'net_ring', 
'eventdev', 'mbuf', 'mempool'],
+    'test_event_ring.c': ['eventdev'],
+    'test_event_timer_adapter.c': ['ethdev', 'eventdev', 'mempool', 
+    'test_eventdev.c': ['mbuf', 'eventdev', 'bus_vdev'],
+    'test_external_mem.c': ['ring'],
+    'test_fbarray.c': [],
+    'test_fib.c': ['net', 'fib'],
+    'test_fib6.c': ['rib', 'fib'],
+    'test_fib6_perf.c': ['fib'],
+    'test_fib_perf.c': ['net', 'fib'],
+    'test_flow_classify.c': ['mbuf', 'net', 'acl', 'table', 'ethdev', 
+    'test_func_reentrancy.c': ['ring', 'mempool', 'hash', 'lpm'],
+    'test_graph.c': ['graph', 'mbuf'],
+    'test_graph_perf.c': ['graph', 'mbuf'],
+    'test_hash.c': ['net', 'hash'],
+    'test_hash_functions.c': ['hash'],
+    'test_hash_multiwriter.c': ['hash'],
+    'test_hash_perf.c': ['hash'],
+    'test_hash_readwrite.c': ['hash'],
+    'test_hash_readwrite_lf_perf.c': ['hash'],
+    'test_interrupts.c': [],
+    'test_ipfrag.c': ['net', 'ip_frag', 'mbuf'],
+    'test_ipsec.c': ['mbuf', 'bus_vdev', 'net', 'cryptodev', 'ipsec', 
+    'test_ipsec_perf.c': ['net', 'ring', 'mbuf', 'ipsec'],
+    'test_ipsec_sad.c': ['ipsec'],
+    'test_kni.c': ['mempool', 'ethdev', 'kni'],
+    'test_kvargs.c': ['kvargs'],
+    'test_latencystats.c': ['ethdev', 'latencystats', 'metrics'],
+    'test_lcores.c': [],
+    'test_link_bonding.c': ['ethdev', 'net_bond', 'net', 'mbuf'],
+    'test_link_bonding_mode4.c': ['ethdev', 'net_ring', 'net_bond', 'mbuf', 
+    'test_link_bonding_rssconf.c': ['ethdev', 'bus_vdev', 'net_bond'],
+    'test_logs.c': [],
+    'test_lpm.c': ['net', 'lpm'],
+    'test_lpm6.c': ['lpm'],
+    'test_lpm6_perf.c': ['lpm'],
+    'test_lpm_perf.c': ['net', 'lpm'],
+    'test_malloc.c': [],
+    'test_malloc_perf.c': [],
+    'test_mbuf.c': ['ring', 'mempool', 'mbuf', 'net'],
+    'test_mcslock.c': [],
+    'test_member.c': ['member', 'net'],
+    'test_member_perf.c': ['hash', 'member'],
+    'test_memcpy.c': [],
+    'test_memcpy_perf.c': [],
+    'test_memory.c': [],
+    'test_mempool.c': ['mempool', 'mbuf'],
+    'test_mempool_perf.c': ['mempool', 'mbuf'],
+    'test_memzone.c': [],
+    'test_meter.c': ['meter'],
+    'test_metrics.c': ['metrics'],
+    'test_mp_secondary.c': ['ring', 'mempool', 'hash', 'lpm'],
+    'test_pcapng.c': ['ethdev', 'net', 'mbuf', 'mempool', 'pcapng'],
+    'test_pdcp.c': ['eventdev', 'pdcp', 'net', 'timer', 'security'],
+    'test_pdump.c': ['pdump', 'mempool', 'ring'],
+    'test_per_lcore.c': [],
+    'test_pflock.c': [],
+    'test_pie.c': ['sched'],
+    'test_pmd_perf.c': ['ethdev', 'mbuf', 'net'],
+    'test_pmd_ring.c': ['net_ring', 'ethdev', 'bus_vdev'],
+    'test_pmd_ring_perf.c': ['ring', 'ethdev', 'net_ring', 'bus_vdev'],
+    'test_power.c': ['power'],
+    'test_power_cpufreq.c': ['power'],
+    'test_power_intel_uncore.c': ['power'],
+    'test_power_kvm_vm.c': ['power'],
+    'test_prefetch.c': [],
+    'test_rand_perf.c': [],
+    'test_rawdev.c': ['mbuf', 'rawdev', 'bus_vdev'],
+    'test_rcu_qsbr.c': ['rcu', 'hash'],
+    'test_rcu_qsbr_perf.c': ['rcu', 'hash'],
+    'test_reassembly_perf.c': ['net', 'ip_frag', 'mbuf'],
+    'test_reciprocal_division.c': [],
+    'test_reciprocal_division_perf.c': [],
+    'test_red.c': ['sched'],
+    'test_reorder.c': ['mbuf', 'reorder'],
+#    'test_resource.c': [],
+    'test_rib.c': ['net', 'rib'],
+    'test_rib6.c': ['net', 'rib'],
+    'test_ring.c': ['ring'],
+    'test_ring_hts_stress.c': [],
+    'test_ring_mpmc_stress.c': [],
+    'test_ring_mt_peek_stress.c': ['ring'],
+    'test_ring_mt_peek_stress_zc.c': ['ring'],
+    'test_ring_perf.c': ['ring'],
+    'test_ring_rts_stress.c': [],
+    'test_ring_st_peek_stress.c': ['ring'],
+    'test_ring_st_peek_stress_zc.c': ['ring'],
+    'test_ring_stress.c': ['ring'],
+    'test_rwlock.c': [],
+    'test_sched.c': ['net', 'sched'],
+    'test_security.c': ['mempool', 'net', 'security'],
+    'test_security_inline_macsec.c': ['ethdev', 'security'],
+    'test_security_inline_proto.c': ['ethdev', 'security', 'eventdev'],
+    'test_seqlock.c': [],
+    'test_service_cores.c': ['mbuf'],
+    'test_spinlock.c': [],
+    'test_stack.c': ['stack'],
+    'test_stack_perf.c': ['stack'],
+    'test_string_fns.c': [],
+    'test_table.c': ['table', 'pipeline', 'port'],
+    'test_table_acl.c': ['net', 'table', 'pipeline', 'port'],
+    'test_table_combined.c': ['table', 'pipeline', 'port'],
+    'test_table_pipeline.c': ['pipeline', 'table', 'port'],
+    'test_table_ports.c': ['table', 'pipeline', 'port'],
+    'test_table_tables.c': ['table', 'pipeline', 'port'],
+    'test_tailq.c': [],
+    'test_telemetry_data.c': ['telemetry'],
+    'test_telemetry_json.c': ['telemetry'],
+    'test_thash.c': ['net', 'hash'],
+    'test_thash_perf.c': ['hash'],
+    'test_threads.c': [],
+    'test_ticketlock.c': [],
+    'test_timer.c': ['timer'],
+    'test_timer_perf.c': ['timer'],
+    'test_timer_racecond.c': ['timer'],
+    'test_timer_secondary.c': ['timer', 'mempool'],
+    'test_trace.c': [],
+    'test_trace_perf.c': [],
+    'test_trace_register.c': [],
+    'test_vdev.c': ['kvargs', 'bus_vdev'],
+    'test_version.c': [],
+    'virtual_pmd.c': ['mbuf', 'ethdev', 'pci', 'ring', 'net'],
+# autotests always need cmdline library
+deps += 'cmdline'
+def_lib = get_option('default_library')
+foreach f, f_deps : source_file_deps
+    has_deps = true
+    foreach d : f_deps
+        if not is_variable(def_lib + '_rte_' + d)
+            has_deps = false
+            break
+        else
+            # technically we might not need this dep, but adding it is harmless
+            if d not in deps
+                deps += d
+            endif
+        endif
+    endforeach
+    if has_deps
+        sources += files(f)
-if dpdk_conf.has('RTE_LIB_PDCP')
-    test_sources += 'test_pdcp.c'
-    fast_tests += [['pdcp_autotest', false, true]]
 if cc.has_argument('-Wno-format-truncation')
     cflags += '-Wno-format-truncation'
@@ -456,154 +206,4 @@ endif
 cflags += '-fno-strict-aliasing'
 # Enable using internal APIs in unit tests
-cflags += ['-DALLOW_INTERNAL_API']
-test_dep_objs = []
-if dpdk_conf.has('RTE_LIB_COMPRESSDEV')
-    compress_test_dep = dependency('zlib', required: false, method: 
-    if compress_test_dep.found()
-        test_dep_objs += compress_test_dep
-        test_sources += 'test_compressdev.c'
-        fast_tests += [['compressdev_autotest', false, true]]
-    endif
-if dpdk_conf.has('RTE_CRYPTO_SCHEDULER')
-    driver_test_names += 'cryptodev_scheduler_autotest'
-    test_deps += 'crypto_scheduler'
-foreach d:test_deps
-    def_lib = get_option('default_library')
-    test_dep_objs += get_variable(def_lib + '_rte_' + d)
-link_libs = []
-if get_option('default_library') == 'static'
-    link_libs = dpdk_static_libraries + dpdk_drivers
-dpdk_test = executable('dpdk-test',
-        test_sources,
-        link_whole: link_libs,
-        dependencies: test_dep_objs + ext_deps,
-        c_args: cflags,
-        install_rpath: join_paths(get_option('prefix'),
-             driver_install_path),
-        install: true)
-has_hugepage = run_command(py3, files('has_hugepage.py'), check: 
true).stdout().strip() != '0'
-message('hugepage availability: @0@'.format(has_hugepage))
-# some perf tests (eg: memcpy perf autotest)take very long
-# to complete, so timeout to 10 minutes
-timeout_seconds = 600
-timeout_seconds_fast = 10
-test_no_huge_args = ['--no-huge', '-m', '2048']
-foreach arg : fast_tests
-    test_args = []
-    run_test = true
-    if not has_hugepage
-        if arg[1]
-            test_args += test_no_huge_args
-        else
-            run_test = false
-        endif
-    endif
-    if get_option('b_sanitize') == 'address' or get_option('b_sanitize') == 
-        if not arg[2]
-            run_test = false
-        endif
-    endif
-    if (get_option('default_library') == 'shared' and
-        arg[0] == 'event_eth_tx_adapter_autotest')
-        test_args += ['-d', dpdk_drivers_build_dir]
-    endif
-    if is_linux
-        test_args += ['--file-prefix=@0@'.format(arg[0])]
-    endif
-    if run_test
-        test(arg[0], dpdk_test,
-                env : ['DPDK_TEST=' + arg[0]],
-                args : test_args,
-                timeout : timeout_seconds_fast,
-                is_parallel : false,
-                suite : 'fast-tests')
-        if not is_windows and arg[0] == 'trace_autotest'
-            test_args += ['--trace=.*']
-            test_args += ['--trace-dir=@0@'.format(meson.current_build_dir())]
-            test(arg[0] + '_with_traces', dpdk_test,
-                    env : ['DPDK_TEST=' + arg[0]],
-                    args : test_args,
-                    timeout : timeout_seconds_fast,
-                    is_parallel : false,
-                    suite : 'fast-tests')
-        endif
-    endif
-if not is_windows and dpdk_conf.has('RTE_LIB_TELEMETRY')
-    test_args = [dpdk_test]
-    test_args += test_no_huge_args
-    if get_option('default_library') == 'shared'
-        test_args += ['-d', dpdk_drivers_build_dir]
-    endif
-    if dpdk_conf.has('RTE_CRYPTO_NULL')
-        test_args += ['--vdev=crypto_null0']
-    endif
-    if dpdk_conf.has('RTE_DMA_SKELETON')
-        test_args += ['--vdev=dma_skeleton0']
-    endif
-    if dpdk_conf.has('RTE_EVENT_SKELETON')
-        test_args += ['--vdev=event_skeleton0']
-    endif
-    if dpdk_conf.has('RTE_NET_NULL')
-        test_args += ['--vdev=net_null0']
-    endif
-    if dpdk_conf.has('RTE_RAW_SKELETON')
-        test_args += ['--vdev=rawdev_skeleton0']
-    endif
-    test_args += ['-a', '0000:00:00.0']
-    test('telemetry_all', find_program('test_telemetry.sh'),
-            args: test_args,
-            timeout : timeout_seconds_fast,
-            is_parallel : false,
-            suite : 'fast-tests')
-foreach arg : perf_test_names
-    test(arg, dpdk_test,
-            env : ['DPDK_TEST=' + arg],
-            timeout : timeout_seconds,
-            is_parallel : false,
-            suite : 'perf-tests')
-foreach arg : driver_test_names
-    test(arg, dpdk_test,
-            env : ['DPDK_TEST=' + arg],
-            timeout : timeout_seconds,
-            is_parallel : false,
-            suite : 'driver-tests')
-foreach arg : dump_test_names
-    test(arg, dpdk_test,
-            env : ['DPDK_TEST=' + arg],
-            timeout : timeout_seconds,
-            is_parallel : false,
-            suite : 'debug-tests')
-foreach arg : extra_test_names
-    test(arg, dpdk_test,
-            env : ['DPDK_TEST=' + arg],
-            timeout : timeout_seconds,
-            is_parallel : false,
-            suite : 'extra-tests')

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