From: Bing Zhao <>

After rte_flow_shared_action_* API was replaced with
rte_flow_action_handle_* API, one input parameter of the update
interface was also changed. A generic pointer was used instead of the
"const struct rte_flow_action *" pointer.

In the entrance of mlx5 PMD callback for update, the validation is
called for all indirect actions. But for conntrack type, the pointer
is no longer with rte_flow_action pointer type and it will cause an
incorrect casting and error.

The content for updating should only be validated when needed. It
should skip the validation in the entrance. Right now, the content
was already added before updating the hardware by WQE. So the type
of the indirect action should be checked before calling the action
validate function.

When creating a new conntrack object, the validation is still needed
since all the content will be used to update the hardware context.

Fixes: 40327aab1491 ("ethdev: introduce indirect flow action")

Signed-off-by: Bing Zhao <>
 drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow.c | 13 +++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow.c b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow.c
index 4b567f61dd..9bd92f28fd 100644
--- a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow.c
+++ b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow.c
@@ -10753,9 +10753,18 @@ mlx5_action_handle_update(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
        const struct mlx5_flow_driver_ops *fops =
                        flow_get_drv_ops(flow_get_drv_type(dev, &attr));
        int ret;
+       uint32_t act_idx = (uint32_t)(uintptr_t)handle;
+       uint32_t type = act_idx >> MLX5_INDIRECT_ACTION_TYPE_OFFSET;
-       ret = flow_drv_action_validate(dev, NULL,
-                       (const struct rte_flow_action *)update, fops, error);
+       switch (type) {
+               ret = 0;
+               break;
+       default:
+               ret = flow_drv_action_validate(dev, NULL,
+                               (const struct rte_flow_action *)update,
+                               fops, error);
+       }
        if (ret)
                return ret;
        return flow_drv_action_update(dev, handle, update, fops,

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