On 6/30/2023 10:35 AM, Jiawen Wu wrote:
> Refer to commit 819d0d1d57f1 ("net/ixgbe: fix blocking system events").
> Fix the same issue as ixgbe.
> TXGBE link status task uses rte alarm thread in old implementation.
> Sometime txgbe link status task takes up to 9 seconds. This will
> severely affect the rte-alarm-thread dependent tasks in the
> system, like interrupt or hotplug event. So replace with an
> independent thread which has the same thread affinity settings
> as rte interrupt.
> Fixes: 0c061eadec59 ("net/txgbe: add link status change")
> Cc: sta...@dpdk.org
> Signed-off-by: Jiawen Wu <jiawe...@trustnetic.com>

Applied to dpdk-next-net/main, thanks.

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