On 6/29/2023 11:07 AM, Jiawen Wu wrote:
> Refer to commit 819d0d1d57f1 ("net/ixgbe: fix blocking system events").
> Fix the same issue as ixgbe.

Can you please describe the problem in this commit log, it is OK to keep
reference to the ixgbe too, but better to describe problem here.

> Replace rte alarm thread with an independent thread.
> Fixes: 0c061eadec59 ("net/txgbe: add link status change")
> Cc: sta...@dpdk.org
> Signed-off-by: Jiawen Wu <jiawe...@trustnetic.com>


> +static uint32_t
> +txgbe_dev_setup_link_thread_handler(void *param)
> +{
> +     struct rte_eth_dev *dev = (struct rte_eth_dev *)param;
> +     struct txgbe_hw *hw = TXGBE_DEV_HW(dev);
> +     struct txgbe_interrupt *intr = TXGBE_DEV_INTR(dev);
> +     struct txgbe_adapter *ad = TXGBE_DEV_ADAPTER(dev);
> +     u32 speed;
> +     bool autoneg = false;
> +
> +     rte_thread_detach(rte_thread_self());
> +     speed = hw->phy.autoneg_advertised;
> +     if (!speed)
> +             hw->mac.get_link_capabilities(hw, &speed, &autoneg);
> +
> +     hw->mac.setup_link(hw, speed, true);
> +
> +     intr->flags &= ~TXGBE_FLAG_NEED_LINK_CONFIG;
> +     __atomic_clear(&ad->link_thread_running, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
> +     return 0;
> +}
> +

'txgbe_dev_setup_link_alarm_handler()' and above new
'txgbe_dev_setup_link_thread_handler()' are smilar and share common
code, what do you think to extract common code to a function?

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