On 6/20/2023 3:53 AM, humin (Q) wrote:
> 在 2023/6/19 16:57, Ferruh Yigit 写道:
>> On 6/16/2023 1:00 PM, humin (Q) wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> 在 2023/6/16 15:20, Chaoyong He 写道:
>>>> From: Zerun Fu <zerun...@corigine.com>
>>>> After the mainline Linux kernel commit
>>>> "fe205d984e7730f4d21f6f8ebc60f0698404ac31" (ACPI: Remove side effect
>>>> of partly creating a node in acpi_map_pxm_to_online_node) by
>>>> Jonathan Cameron. When the system does not support NUMA architecture,
>>>> the "socket_id" is expected to be -1. The valid "socket_id" in
>>>> BOND PMD is greater than or equal to zero. So it will cause an error
>>>> when DPDK checks the validity of the "socket_id" when starting the
>>>> bond. This commit can fix this bug.
>>>> Fixes: f294e04851fd ("net/bonding: fix socket ID check")
>>>> Cc: sta...@dpdk.org
>>>> Signed-off-by: Zerun Fu <zerun...@corigine.com>
>>>> Reviewed-by: Peng Zhang <peng.zh...@corigine.com>
>>>> Reviewed-by: Chaoyong He <chaoyong...@corigine.com>
>>>> Reviewed-by: Long Wu <long...@corigine.com>
>>> No need add your colleagues unless they "reviwed-by" through email-list.
>> Hi Connor,
>> This is done time to time, if code is already internally reviewed, send
>> review/ack tags within the patch, to reduce noise in the mail list.
> ok.
>> It looks like there were additional reviewers of code, which is good,
>> but it requires maintainers' (you and Chas) ack to get accepted.
> Acked-by: Min Hu (Connor) <humi...@huawei.com>

Applied to dpdk-next-net/main, thanks.

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