During EAL cleanup stage, all bus devices are cleaned up properly.
Based on this, there is no need to do extra device close process,
which may call the dev ops '*dev->dev_ops->dev_close' twice.

If this dev ops for ntb was called twice, the interrupt handle for
EAL will be disabled twice and will lead to error for the seconde
time. Like this: "EAL: Error disabling MSI-X interrupts for fd xx"

Thus, this patch just remove the redundant logic for device close.
Ports will be closed at rte_eal_cleanup() in the main loop.

Fixes: 1cab1a40ea9b ("bus: cleanup devices on shutdown")
Cc: sta...@dpdk.org

Signed-off-by: Junfeng Guo <junfeng....@intel.com>
 examples/ntb/ntb_fwd.c | 8 +++-----
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/examples/ntb/ntb_fwd.c b/examples/ntb/ntb_fwd.c
index 585aad9d70..3385b4b73c 100644
--- a/examples/ntb/ntb_fwd.c
+++ b/examples/ntb/ntb_fwd.c
@@ -177,13 +177,11 @@ cmd_quit_parsed(__rte_unused void *parsed_result,
        in_test = 0;
-       /* Stop traffic and Close port. */
+       /* Stop traffic only. */
-       rte_rawdev_close(dev_id);
-       if (eth_port_id < RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS && fwd_mode == IOFWD) {
+       if (eth_port_id < RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS && fwd_mode == IOFWD)
-               rte_eth_dev_close(eth_port_id);
-       }
+       /* Ports will be closed at rte_eal_cleanup() in the main loop. */

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