From: Beilei Xing <>

This patchset adds hairpin queue support.

v2 changes:
 - change hairpin rx queus configuration sequence.
 - code refine.

v3 changes:
 - Refine the patchset based on the latest code.

v4 change:
 - Remove hairpin rx buffer queue's sw_ring.
 - Change hairpin rx queus configuration sequence in cpfl_hairpin_bind function.
 - Refind hairpin queue setup and release.

v5 change:
 - Fix memory leak during queue setup.
 - Refine hairpin Rxq/Txq start/stop.

v6 change:
 - Add sign-off.

v7 change:
 - Update cpfl.rst

v8 change:
 - Fix Intel-compilation failure.

Beilei Xing (14):
  net/cpfl: refine structures
  common/idpf: support queue groups add/delete
  net/cpfl: add haipin queue group during vport init
  net/cpfl: support hairpin queue capbility get
  net/cpfl: support hairpin queue setup and release
  common/idpf: add queue config API
  net/cpfl: support hairpin queue configuration
  common/idpf: add switch queue API
  net/cpfl: support hairpin queue start/stop
  common/idpf: add irq map config API
  net/cpfl: enable write back based on ITR expire
  net/cpfl: support peer ports get
  net/cpfl: support hairpin bind/unbind
  doc: update the doc of CPFL PMD

 doc/guides/nics/cpfl.rst                   |   7 +
 drivers/common/idpf/idpf_common_device.c   |  75 ++
 drivers/common/idpf/idpf_common_device.h   |   4 +
 drivers/common/idpf/idpf_common_virtchnl.c | 138 +++-
 drivers/common/idpf/idpf_common_virtchnl.h |  18 +
 drivers/common/idpf/            |   6 +
 drivers/net/cpfl/cpfl_ethdev.c             | 611 ++++++++++++++--
 drivers/net/cpfl/cpfl_ethdev.h             |  35 +-
 drivers/net/cpfl/cpfl_rxtx.c               | 781 +++++++++++++++++++--
 drivers/net/cpfl/cpfl_rxtx.h               |  76 ++
 drivers/net/cpfl/cpfl_rxtx_vec_common.h    |  21 +-
 11 files changed, 1653 insertions(+), 119 deletions(-)


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