> From: Ophir Munk [mailto:ophi...@nvidia.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, 3 May 2023 09.27
> In current DPDK the RTE_MAX_MEMZONE definition is unconditionally hard
> coded as 2560.  For applications requiring different values of this
> parameter – it is more convenient to set the max value via an rte API -
> rather than changing the dpdk source code per application.  In many
> organizations, the possibility to compile a private DPDK library for a
> particular application does not exist at all.  With this option there is
> no need to recompile DPDK and it allows using an in-box packaged DPDK.
> An example usage for updating the RTE_MAX_MEMZONE would be of an
> application that uses the DPDK mempool library which is based on DPDK
> memzone library.  The application may need to create a number of
> steering tables, each of which will require its own mempool allocation.
> This commit is not about how to optimize the application usage of
> mempool nor about how to improve the mempool implementation based on
> memzone.  It is about how to make the max memzone definition - run-time
> customized.
> This commit adds an API which must be called before rte_eal_init():
> rte_memzone_max_set(int max).  If not called, the default memzone
> (RTE_MAX_MEMZONE) is used.  There is also an API to query the effective
> max memzone: rte_memzone_max_get().
> Signed-off-by: Ophir Munk <ophi...@nvidia.com>

I retracted my objection to the RFC, but should also have added:

Acked-by: Morten Brørup <m...@smartsharesystems.com>

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