On 2023/3/22 7:59, Ferruh Yigit wrote:
> Some PMDs has "Pre-Installation Configuration" section in their documentation,
> although section is not clear I assume that is historical from times compile
> time parameters and 'make' build system used, where common make target was
> 'install', so section refers to compile time configuration.
> Right now device arguments ("Runtime configuration") is documented under this
> section which is confusing, so updating section name
> from "Pre-Installation Configuration" to "Configuration".
> While touching documents trying to keep following template in the documents,
> with section names and order, to have consistent documents without being
> too strict on applying the template:
>       [Overview]
>       Supported Devices
>       Supported Features
>       Prerequisites
>       Configuration
>               Compilation Options
>               Environment variables
>               Runtime Configuration
>       Debugging
>       Limitations or Known issues
>       Testpmd driver specific commands

Suggest document the template, so that new PMD will refer to it.

I didn't find a guide about how to add a new PMD, the above templeate is good 
in it.
And the guide could also includes which ops should mandatory implements, which 
is optional implements.

> Note: Patch sent as each driver separately to help review, it can be squashed
> while merging.
> Other further improvements not covered here can be visiting
>  "Building DPDK" sections which has redundant and less useful information,
>  and "Usage example" section which has testpmd log, most of the part is same 
> for
>  all drivers.
> .


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