On 3/13/2023 3:03 AM, Chaoyong He wrote:
>> On 3/10/2023 6:25 AM, Chaoyong He wrote:
>>> +   /**
>>> +    * Shift and mask nn_link_status so that it is effectively the value
>>> +    * at offset NFP_NET_CFG_STS_NSP_LINK_RATE.
>>> +    */
>>> +   nn_link_status = (nn_link_status >>
>>> +                    NFP_NET_CFG_STS_LINK_RATE_MASK;
>> Thanks for extensive commenting, perhaps this is the source of confusion, I
>> can't see how above logic makes effectively the value at offset LINK_RATE.
>> NFP_NET_CFG_STS               = 0x34
>> nfp_net_notify_port_speed()
>>      uint16_t speed;
>>      *(0x36) = speed
>> nfp_net_link_update()
>>      uint16_t val = *(0x34)
>>      val = (val >> 1) & 0xF;
>> How come 'speed' and 'val' are same value?
>> Either there is a mistake or FW is making something in the background, I am
>> trying to clarify this in past few comments but not able to yet.
> Yes, here FW does do something in the background.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>             16 bit write only                 16 bit read only
> | x x x x x x x x x x x x y y y y | x x x x x x x x x x x y y y y x |
>                                                  ^                            
>                     ^
>                                              0x36                             
>               0x34
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The firmware confirm that whatever write into ‘yyyy’ field of 0x36 can be 
> read from ‘yyyy’ field of 0x34.

Thanks, I was looking for this, I am progressing with the patch.

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