On 3/6/2023 7:06 AM, Chaoyong He wrote:
>> On 2/21/2023 6:29 AM, Chaoyong He wrote:
>>> From: James Hershaw <james.hers...@corigine.com>
>>> Due to changes in the firmware for NFPs, firmware will no longer write
>>> the link speed of a port to the control BAR. In line with the
>>> behaviour of the kernel NFP driver, this is now handled by the PMD by
>>> reading the value provided by the NSP in the nfp_eth_table struct
>>> within the pf_dev of the port and subsequently writing this value to the
>> control BAR.
>> Don't you need some kind of FW version check to figure out if
>> 'NFP_NET_CFG_STS_NSP_LINK_RATE' needs to be updated by driver or not?
>> How do you manage driver <-> FW dependency?
>>> Signed-off-by: James Hershaw <james.hers...@corigine.com>
>>> Reviewed-by: Niklas Söderlund <niklas.soderl...@corigine.com>
>>> Reviewed-by: Chaoyong He <chaoyong...@corigine.com>
>>> ---
>>>  drivers/net/nfp/nfp_common.c | 90 ++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
>> ---
>>>  drivers/net/nfp/nfp_ctrl.h   |  9 ++++
>>>  2 files changed, 65 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)
>>> diff --git a/drivers/net/nfp/nfp_common.c
>>> b/drivers/net/nfp/nfp_common.c index 5922bfea8e..006ea58008 100644
>>> --- a/drivers/net/nfp/nfp_common.c
>>> +++ b/drivers/net/nfp/nfp_common.c
>>> @@ -52,6 +52,53 @@
>>>  #include <sys/ioctl.h>
>>>  #include <errno.h>
>>> +static const uint32_t nfp_net_link_speed_nfp2rte[] = {
>>> +   [NFP_NET_CFG_STS_LINK_RATE_1G]          =
>>> +   [NFP_NET_CFG_STS_LINK_RATE_10G]         =
>>> +   [NFP_NET_CFG_STS_LINK_RATE_25G]         =
>>> +   [NFP_NET_CFG_STS_LINK_RATE_40G]         =
>>> +   [NFP_NET_CFG_STS_LINK_RATE_50G]         =
>>> +   [NFP_NET_CFG_STS_LINK_RATE_100G]        =
>>> +};
>>> +
>>> +static uint32_t
>>> +nfp_net_link_speed_rte2nfp(uint32_t speed) {
>>> +   uint32_t i;
>>> +
>>> +   for (i = 0; i < RTE_DIM(nfp_net_link_speed_nfp2rte); i++) {
>>> +           if (speed == nfp_net_link_speed_nfp2rte[i])
>>> +                   return i;
>>> +   }
>>> +
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static void
>>> +nfp_net_notify_port_speed(struct rte_eth_dev *dev) {
>>> +   struct nfp_net_hw *hw;
>>> +   struct nfp_eth_table *eth_table;
>>> +   uint32_t nn_link_status;
>>> +
>>> +   hw = NFP_NET_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_HW(dev->data->dev_private);
>>> +   eth_table = hw->pf_dev->nfp_eth_table;
>>> +
>>> +   nn_link_status = nn_cfg_readl(hw, NFP_NET_CFG_STS);
>>> +   nn_link_status = (nn_link_status >>
>>> +                   NFP_NET_CFG_STS_LINK_RATE_MASK;
>>> +
>>> +   if ((nn_link_status & NFP_NET_CFG_STS_LINK) == 0) {
>>> +           nn_cfg_writel(hw, NFP_NET_CFG_STS_NSP_LINK_RATE,
>>> +           return;
>>> +   }
>>> +
>>> +   nn_cfg_writel(hw, NFP_NET_CFG_STS_NSP_LINK_RATE,
>>> +                 nfp_net_link_speed_rte2nfp(eth_table->ports[hw-
>>> idx].speed));
>> PF driver writes link speed to 'NFP_NET_CFG_STS_NSP_LINK_RATE' register,
>> but 'nfp_net_link_update()' still gets it from 'NFP_NET_CFG_STS'
>> register (via 'nfp_net_link_speed_nfp2rte[nn_link_status]').
>> Shouldn't 'nfp_net_link_update()' needs to be updated to read speed from
> Sorry for the late response, we spend a lot of time to check and discuss.
> For older firmware, a full word is allocated (NFP_NET_CFG_STS) to report link 
> status and port speed to the driver.
> However, in the interests of keeping FW files port-speed agnostic in the 
> future, 
> the upper 16 bits are no longer written to by FW, so we write the speed to 
> that address (NFP_NET_CFG_STS_LINK_RATE).
> The lower 16 bits (link status) are still handled by firmware.

But 'nfp_net_link_update()' still gets the links speed from lower 16
bits. Probably I am missing something but please let me understand.

link_update()              notify_port_speed()
 read(speed)                writel(speed)
  ▲                          │
  │                          │
  │                          │
 │                          │                         │
 │                          │    LINK_RATE            │
0x34                       0x36
 │                                                    │
 └──────────────── CFG_STS ───────────────────────────┘

Or is it something like when you update upper half of the register, FW
reads it and reflects the value to the lower half of the register?

And since 'NFP_NET_CFG_STS_NSP_LINK_RATE' is 16 bits, is it correct to
use 'nn_cfg_writel()' to update it?

> These changes are completely backwards compatible with older firmware 
> versions, so no FW version check is required.


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