> From: lihuisong (C) [mailto:lihuis...@huawei.com]
> Sent: Thursday, 15 December 2022 13.46
> 在 2022/12/15 20:24, Morten Brørup 写道:
> >> From: Bruce Richardson [mailto:bruce.richard...@intel.com]
> >> Sent: Thursday, 15 December 2022 13.16
> >>
> >> On Thu, Dec 15, 2022 at 01:00:40PM +0100, Morten Brørup wrote:
> >>>> From: lihuisong (C) [mailto:lihuis...@huawei.com]
> >>>> Sent: Thursday, 15 December 2022 12.28
> >>>>
> >>>> 在 2022/12/15 18:46, Bruce Richardson 写道:
> >>>>> On Thu, Dec 15, 2022 at 06:31:44PM +0800, Huisong Li wrote:
> >>>>>> Sometimes displaying a unsigned integer value as hexadecimal
> >> encoded
> >>>> style
> >>>>>> is more expected for human consumption, such as, offload
> >> capability
> >>>> and
> >>>>>> device flag. This patch introduces two APIs to add unsigned
> >> integer
> >>>> value
> >>>>>> as hexadecimal encoded string to array or dictionary. And user
> >> can
> >>>> choose
> >>>>>> whether the stored value is padding to the specified width.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Signed-off-by: Huisong Li <lihuis...@huawei.com>
> >>>>>> Acked-by: Morten Brørup <m...@smartsharesystems.com>
> >>>>>> Acked-by: Chengwen Feng <fengcheng...@huawei.com>
> >>>>>> ---
> >>>>>>    lib/telemetry/rte_telemetry.h  | 47 ++++++++++++++++++++++
> >>>>>>    lib/telemetry/telemetry_data.c | 72
> >>>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> >>>>>>    lib/telemetry/version.map      |  9 +++++
> >>>>>>    3 files changed, 128 insertions(+)
> >>>>>>
> >>>>> <snip>
> >>>>>> +/* To suppress compiler warning about format string. */
> >>>>>> +#if defined(RTE_TOOLCHAIN_GCC)
> >>>>>> +#pragma GCC diagnostic push
> >>>>>> +#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wformat-nonliteral"
> >>>>>> +#elif defined(RTE_TOOLCHAIN_CLANG)
> >>>>>> +#pragma clang diagnostic push
> >>>>>> +#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wformat-nonliteral"
> >>>>>> +#endif
> >>>>>> +
> >>>>>> +static int
> >>>>>> +rte_tel_uint_to_hex_encoded_str(char *buf, uint16_t len,
> >> uint64_t
> >>>> val,
> >>> The "len" parameter should be size_t or unsigned int, not uint16_t.
> >>>
> >>> And as a personal preference, I would name it "buf_len" instead of
> >> "len".
> >>>>>> +                              uint8_t display_bitwidth)
> >>>>>> +{
> >>>>>> +#define RTE_TEL_UINT_HEX_FORMAT_LEN 16
> >>>>>> +
> >>>>>> +      uint8_t spec_hex_width = (display_bitwidth + 3) / 4;
> >>>>>> +      char format[RTE_TEL_UINT_HEX_FORMAT_LEN];
> >>>>>> +
> >>>>>> +      /* Buffer needs to have room to contain the prefix '0x' and
> >> '\0'.
> >>>> */
> >>>>>> +      if (len < spec_hex_width + 3)
> >>>>>> +              return -EINVAL;
> >>>>>> +
> >>>>> This check is not sufficient, as display_bitwidth could be 0 for
> >>>> example,
> >>>>> and the actual printed number have up to 16 characters.
> >>>> Yes, you are right. What do you think of the following check?
> >>>>
> >>>> max_hex_width = display_bitwidth == 0 ? (sizeof(uint64_t) * 2) :
> >>>> spec_hex_width;
> >>>> if (len < max_hex_width + 3)
> >>>>       return -EINVAL;
> >>> LGTM.
> >> That would work, but actually I think we should drop this check
> >> completely
> >> - see comment below.
> >>
> >>>>>> +      if (display_bitwidth != 0) {
> >>>>>> +              sprintf(format, "0x%%0%u" PRIx64, spec_hex_width);
> >>>>>> +              sprintf(buf, format, val);
> >>> snprintf(format, sizeof(format), "0x%%0%u" PRIx64, spec_hex_width);
> >>> snprintf(buf, len, format, val);
> >>>
> >>>>>> +      } else {
> >>>>>> +              sprintf(buf, "0x%" PRIx64, val);
> >>> snprintf(buf, len, "0x%" PRIx64, val);
> >>>
> >>>>>> +      }
> >>>>>> +
> >>>>> snprintf should always be used when printing to the buffer so as
> >> to
> >>>> avoid
> >>>>> overflow. The return value after snprintf should always be
> >> checked
> >>>> too.
> >>>> If check for buffer is sufficient, can the return value of
> snprintf
> >> not
> >>>> be checked?
> >>>> There are also many places in telemetry lib that are not checked
> >> for
> >>>> this return value.
> >>>> Do you have any principles for this?
> >>> You already check the buffer size before printf() into it, so I
> think
> >> it suffices. However, to keep automated code checkers happy, you
> could
> >> easily use snprintf() instead of printf(). (Sorry about not doing it
> in
> >> my example.)
> >>> I somewhat disagree with Bruce's suggestion to check the return
> value
> >> from snprintf() after checking that the buffer is large enough. It
> >> would be effectively dead code, which might cause some confusion. On
> >> the other hand, it might keep some automated code checkers happy. In
> >> this specific case here, I don't have a strong preference.
> >> Sure, you don't need 2 checks - we can either check the length at
> the
> >> start, or else check the length by looking for the return value from
> >> snprintf, but we don't need to do both.
> >>
> >> Given the slight complexity in determining the correct length of the
> >> printf
> >> for the initial size check, I think I would go with the approach of
> >> *not*
> >> checking the buffer initially and just check the snprintf return
> value.
> >> That would remove any possibility of us doing an incorrect length
> >> check, as
> >> was the case originally with this patch.
> > That sounds reasonable to me. Please do that.
> I think above check is necessary. Because snprintf returns the total
> length of string
> formated instead of negative when buffer size isn't sufficient. what do
> you think?

I had the same concern, so I looked it up.

snprintf() returns the length that the string would have, regardless if it was 
truncated or not.

In other words:

If the string is truncated, snprintf() returns a value greater than the buffer 
length parameter given to it.

It can be checked like this:

if (snprintf(buf, len, "0x%" PRIx64, val) > len)
    return -EINVAL;

In my opinion, checking for negative return values from snprintf() is not 

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