Hi Mattias,

Mattias Rönnblom, Nov 29, 2022 at 17:10:
> > + * @param [out] busy_cycles
> > + *   The number of busy CPU cycles since the application start.
> Wouldn't it be more appropriate to describe it as "TSC cycles", instead 
> of "CPU cycles"? Or technically "The amount of busy time since 
> application start, in TSC cycles".
> Reporting actual CPU core cycles spent is not possible, in the general case.

Well, technically, these "cycles" could mean anything. You could report
the number of microseconds, Joules, whatever. The important information
is the ratio compared to the total number of "cycles". Perhaps Morten's
suggestion (units) would be more precise, but I fear it would also be
more confusing.

I don't mind adding the specific TSC cycles nomenclature if there is
a consensus.


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