On Wed, Nov 30, 2022 at 8:13 AM David Marchand
<david.march...@redhat.com> wrote:
> > I assume this will cause warnings for ABI check scripts, how can we
> > prevent the warnings?
> Indeed.
> Some options:
> - add exhaustive suppression rules in devtools/libabigail.abignore,
> - retag the v22.11 release with this fix, but we already announced it
> and people started downloading the tarball,
> - release a .1 version and compare ABI against it (either in the main
> repo, or in the 22.11 stable branch, through for the ABI check in GHA,
> it would be simpler to have the tag in the main repo..),

(let's forget about my concern on GHA, we have the REF_GIT_REPO param,
so we can point at the dpdk-stable repo, and go with a "normal"
release in 22.11 stable branch)

> Do you have other ideas?

David Marchand

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