I spot a can of worms to be opened here :-)

On 2015-05-27 22:48, Thomas F Herbert wrote:
> Work Flow and Process:
> All patches will be taken from from public submissions to dpdk-dev.org
> scraped from dpdk patchwork. Patches will be applied to the patch-test
> tree and tested against HEAD as they are received. The feedback from the
> testing will be provided to the community. The patch-test tree will
> periodically be git pull'ed from dpdk.
> Longer term goal:
> Initially, the patches will be applied along with some simple smoke
> tests. The longer term goal is to automate this process, apply more
> extensive tests and post the results in dpdk patchwork,
> http://dpdk.org/dev/patchwork/project/dpdk/list/ which would have an
> accompanying mailing list for distribution of a results summary of the
> tests.

Actually, github and services such as travis-ci and coveralls already
provide this functionality (with very little setup). So when someone
sends a pull request, the continuous integration service travis-ci will
notice it, and start a build and (possibly) run a test suite on the code
- with the patches applied.

If code coverage is collected in the process [1], it's uploaded to the
coveralls site. Both travis-ci and coveralls will add a note to the pull
request saying something like "Build failed with this patch, be careful"
or "Build OK, everything is fine" and "Coverage decreased with 5% with
this patch" etc etc.

Of course, github provides an API so it's entirely possible to add your
own continuous integration support with the same functionality as
travis-ci (customized for DPDK).

So before venturing into implementing something like this, I think the
DPDK project should at least consider the existing alternatives.

And with that, I close the can of worms again. I hope no worms were hurt
in the process! :-)

// Simon

[1] https://github.com/SimonKagstrom/kcov - yes my personal project

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