This is a proposal to create a patch-test dpdk tree. I welcome feedback 
from the dpdk community on this proposal.

This tree will consist of pre-integrated patches submitted to dpdk-dev 
mailing list. The purpose of this tree is to help reduce the effort in 
reviewing patches and providing feedback to submitters of patches. Also 
integrators of dpdk can benefit by having a "linux-next" like tree to 
clone and or try new features for performance and breadth of hardware 
support. It is the hope that the patch-test tree will provide early 
feedback to patch reviewers as well as an assurance of quality to the 
project maintainer.

Work Flow and Process:

All patches will be taken from from public submissions to 
scraped from dpdk patchwork. Patches will be applied to the patch-test 
tree and tested against HEAD as they are received. The feedback from the 
testing will be provided to the community. The patch-test tree will 
periodically be git pull'ed from dpdk.

Longer term goal:

Initially, the patches will be applied along with some simple smoke 
tests. The longer term goal is to automate this process, apply more 
extensive tests and post the results in dpdk patchwork, which would have an 
accompanying mailing list for distribution of a results summary of the 

Submissions of test suites will be encouraged from the community 
including testing against compilers, architectures, devices, options 
etc. The purpose is to try to evolve to widen test coverage for 
submitted patches.

--Thomas Herbert

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