> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wang, Jie1X <jie1x.w...@intel.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2022 2:05 AM
> To: dev@dpdk.org
> Cc: Yang, Qiming <qiming.y...@intel.com>; Zhang, Qi Z
> <qi.z.zh...@intel.com>; Wu, Jingjing <jingjing...@intel.com>; Xing, Beilei
> <beilei.x...@intel.com>; Yang, SteveX <stevex.y...@intel.com>; Wang, Jie1X
> <jie1x.w...@intel.com>
> Subject: [PATCH v3 3/5] net/iavf: support flow subscrption pattern
> +static int
> +iavf_fsub_parse_action(struct iavf_adapter *ad,
> + const struct rte_flow_action *actions,
> + uint32_t priority,
> + struct rte_flow_error *error,
> + struct iavf_fsub_conf *filter)
> {
> + const struct rte_flow_action *action;
> + const struct rte_flow_action_ethdev *act_ethdev;
> + const struct rte_flow_action_queue *act_q;
> + const struct rte_flow_action_rss *act_qgrop;
> + struct virtchnl_filter_action *filter_action;
> + uint16_t valid_qgrop_number[MAX_QGRP_NUM_TYPE] = {
> + 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128};
> + uint16_t i, num = 0, dest_num = 0, vf_num = 0;
> + uint16_t rule_port_id;
> +
> + for (action = actions; action->type !=
> + RTE_FLOW_ACTION_TYPE_END; action++) {
> + switch (action->type) {
> + break;
> +
Should be RTE_FLOW_ACTION_PORT_REPRESENTOR, as the traffic is expected to be
sent to the given ethdev.