Hi Przemek/Thomas,
   Thanks for the info. But when I am using the latest ovs and the DPDK2.0 the 
performance I am getting through the ovs switch is far less than non dpdk. 
I can send more info if you need. 
I am using dpdkvhost0 and dpdkvhos1 interfaces that are based on vhost_cuse to 
interact with VM. Is there any post that I can refer to see what I may be 
missing ?
Currently these are my tasks
1. Measure throughput with Just OVS on Host only == completed (600,000 pps) *No 
Flow control
2. Measure throughput with OVS+DPDK on Host only == completed (6.4 Mpps)
3. Measure throughput on Guest spunup using QEMU with OVS bridge on Host == 
completed (240,000 pps)
4. Measure throughput on Guest spunup using QEMU with OVS DPDK on Host == 
Having issues with perf just getting 60,000 pps
5. Measure throughput on Guest spunup using Openstack with just OVS on Compute 
node == completed (60,000 pps)
6. Measure throughput on Guest spunup using Openstack with OVS DPDK on Compute 
node. I can use the info provided by you and see if I can get this running ??

-----Original Message-----
From: Czesnowicz, Przemyslaw [mailto:przemyslaw.czesnow...@intel.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2015 11:09 AM
To: Rao, Ravi; Thomas F Herbert; O'Driscoll, Tim; Butler, Siobhan A; dev at 
Subject: RE: [dpdk-dev] dev at DPDK Hackathon Proposal

Hi Ravi,

 Kilo release of Openstack  allows to use ovs-dpdk with vhostuser. 
Nova includes vhost-user vif driver, and for neutron we have a mechanism driver 
and agent in stackforge project :

The neutron part is hosted on stackforge because of vendor decomposition  going 
on in neutron.
The contains a devstack plugin and instructions on how to setup the node.

Let me know if you need more information.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: dev [mailto:dev-bounces at dpdk.org] On Behalf Of Rao, Ravi
> Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2015 2:43 PM
> To: Thomas F Herbert; O'Driscoll, Tim; Butler, Siobhan A; dev at dpdk.org
> Subject: Re: [dpdk-dev] dev at DPDK Hackathon Proposal
> Hi All,
>    Effort and emphasis has to be made to integrate DPDK into openstack 
> components like neutron and nova so that this becomes part of std 
> openstack release.
> Currently some work was done and published as a patch to devstack's 
> Juno but there are no clear path to incorporate these patches to the 
> mainline. I think this would be a very good topic to cover.
> Regards,
> Ravi
> -----Original Message-----
> From: dev [mailto:dev-bounces at dpdk.org] On Behalf Of Thomas F Herbert
> Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2015 8:37 AM
> To: O'Driscoll, Tim; Butler, Siobhan A; dev at dpdk.org
> Subject: Re: [dpdk-dev] dev at DPDK Hackathon Proposal
> On 5/19/15 8:59 AM, O'Driscoll, Tim wrote:
> > There wasn't any public response to this but we did discuss it with 
> > several
> people separately who all thought it was a good idea. Therefore, we've 
> decided to go ahead with it. Siobhan is working on the plan now and 
> should be in a position to make a formal announcement in a few weeks.
> >
> > In the meantime, I wanted to let people know that this is going 
> > ahead so
> that you can:
> > a) Save the date. October 8th/9th, immediately after the European
> LinuxCon, in Dublin Ireland.
> > b) Think about topics that you'd like to see covered. We'll solicit 
> > for inputs
> when the formal announcement is made, but it's good for people to 
> begin thinking about this now.
> >
> Tim, I for one think it is a good idea. +1 from me.
> > We'd like this to be quite an interactive event with a lot of 
> > discussion rather
> than just presentations. We plan to have many of our key DPDK 
> developers there, so it will be a great opportunity to network, 
> discuss the technical challenges that you're facing and help to build a 
> stronger DPDK community.
> >
> >
> > Tim
> >
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: dev [mailto:dev-bounces at dpdk.org] On Behalf Of Butler, 
> >> Siobhan A
> >> Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 7:19 PM
> >> To: dev at dpdk.org
> >> Subject: [dpdk-dev] dev at DPDK Hackathon Proposal
> >>
> >> Hi all,
> >>
> >> As a community we have virtually come together from all over the 
> >> globe, developing now our third successful open source DPDK version 
> >> with DPDK
> >> r2.0 about to release.
> >> It is astounding to comprehend the commitment and enthusiasm you
> have
> >> all shared to bring DPDK to this point.
> >> With growing the community of developers in mind, and strengthening 
> >> the networks and virtual collaborations that have come about, I 
> >> propose that we hold the first dev at DPDK Developer Hackathon this year.
> >>
> >> Many people will be travelling to Dublin, Ireland for LinuxCon and 
> >> CloudOpen October (5th-7th).
> >> I propose that we hold a hands on 2 day hackathon Thursday October 
> >> 8th and Friday October 9th to coincide with this offering, in Dublin.
> >>  From a community perspective is a great opportunity to bring 
> >> together the people that make DPDK happen - the developers.
> >>  From a developer perspective it is a great opportunity to be part 
> >> of the first gathering, meet some new people, learn something new 
> >> and have a lot of fun on the way.
> >>
> >> At this point the agenda is open - so if you see merit in this 
> >> proposal please share your interest here so that we can gauge 
> >> attendance and gather ideas of what people would like the format to be.
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >> Siobhan
> >> <siobhan.a.butler at intel.com>
> --
> Thomas F Herbert
> Principal Software Engineer
> Red Hat
> therbert at redhat.com
> Office: 919-301-3295
> Mobile: 804-741-2695

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