There wasn't any public response to this but we did discuss it with several people separately who all thought it was a good idea. Therefore, we've decided to go ahead with it. Siobhan is working on the plan now and should be in a position to make a formal announcement in a few weeks.
In the meantime, I wanted to let people know that this is going ahead so that you can: a) Save the date. October 8th/9th, immediately after the European LinuxCon, in Dublin Ireland. b) Think about topics that you'd like to see covered. We'll solicit for inputs when the formal announcement is made, but it's good for people to begin thinking about this now. We'd like this to be quite an interactive event with a lot of discussion rather than just presentations. We plan to have many of our key DPDK developers there, so it will be a great opportunity to network, discuss the technical challenges that you're facing and help to build a stronger DPDK community. Tim > -----Original Message----- > From: dev [mailto:dev-bounces at] On Behalf Of Butler, Siobhan A > Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 7:19 PM > To: dev at > Subject: [dpdk-dev] dev at DPDK Hackathon Proposal > > Hi all, > > As a community we have virtually come together from all over the globe, > developing now our third successful open source DPDK version with DPDK > r2.0 about to release. > It is astounding to comprehend the commitment and enthusiasm you have > all shared to bring DPDK to this point. > With growing the community of developers in mind, and strengthening the > networks and virtual collaborations that have come about, > I propose that we hold the first dev at DPDK Developer Hackathon this year. > > Many people will be travelling to Dublin, Ireland for LinuxCon and > CloudOpen October (5th-7th). > I propose that we hold a hands on 2 day hackathon Thursday October 8th > and Friday October 9th to coincide with this offering, in Dublin. > From a community perspective is a great opportunity to bring together > the people that make DPDK happen - the developers. > From a developer perspective it is a great opportunity to be part of the > first gathering, meet some new people, learn something new > and have a lot of fun on the way. > > At this point the agenda is open - so if you see merit in this proposal > please share your interest here so that we can gauge attendance > and gather ideas of what people would like the format to be. > > Thanks, > Siobhan > <siobhan.a.butler at>