Fedora 36 is out since early may and comes with gcc 12.
This series fixes compilation or waives some checks.

There might be something fishy with rte_memcpy on x86 but, for now,
the rte_memcpy related fixes are on the caller side.

Some "base" drivers have issues, I chose the simple solution of waiving
the checks for them.

Compilation is the only thing checked.
Please driver maintainers, check nothing got broken.

David Marchand

David Marchand (12):
  common/cpt: fix build with GCC 12
  crypto/cnxk: fix build with GCC 12
  crypto/ipsec_mb: fix build with GCC 12
  net/ena: fix build with GCC 12
  net/enetfec: fix build with GCC 12
  net/ice: fix build with GCC 12
  net/ice/base: fix build with GCC 12
  net/qede/base: fix build with GCC 12
  vdpa/ifc: fix build with GCC 12
  vhost/crypto: fix build with GCC 12
  app/flow-perf: fix build with GCC 12
  test/ipsec: fix build with GCC 12

 app/test-flow-perf/main.c            | 48 ++++++----------------------
 app/test/test_ipsec.c                | 48 +++++++++++++++++-----------
 drivers/common/cpt/cpt_ucode.h       |  8 +++++
 drivers/crypto/cnxk/cnxk_se.h        |  8 +++++
 drivers/crypto/ipsec_mb/pmd_snow3g.c |  7 ++--
 drivers/net/ena/ena_rss.c            |  7 ++--
 drivers/net/enetfec/enet_ethdev.c    |  9 ++++++
 drivers/net/ice/base/meson.build     |  5 +++
 drivers/net/ice/ice_ethdev.c         |  3 +-
 drivers/net/qede/base/meson.build    |  5 +++
 drivers/vdpa/ifc/ifcvf_vdpa.c        |  2 ++
 lib/vhost/vhost_crypto.c             |  8 ++---
 12 files changed, 88 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-)


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