Hi Abhinandan and others,
> We may need to stick to the approach introduced in this patch only.
> As if we propose, a new single API for all type of sessions, the driver would 
> need
> to
> Get the event metadata from the session private data. This is not possible 
> with
> Your use case which gets it inside the eventdev library for sw adapter case 
> as it
> cannot
> Get the session private data without knowing the cdev_id.
> Hence, we will take this patch as is in next release for security sessions(as 
> it is an
> ABI break)
> And would also introduce a similar change for crypto sessions in next release.
> This way we can get rid of using userdata which is wrong implementation.

On another thought, we have posted a new patchset to use event crypto adapter.
Please review and provide feedback.


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