Adding capabiliti and functions to support MSI
interrupts, handler and info ring.

Signed-off-by: Nicolas Chautru <>
 drivers/baseband/acc101/rte_acc101_pmd.c | 309 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 drivers/baseband/acc101/rte_acc101_pmd.h |  15 ++
 2 files changed, 321 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/baseband/acc101/rte_acc101_pmd.c 
index 2bb98b5..ac3d56d 100644
--- a/drivers/baseband/acc101/rte_acc101_pmd.c
+++ b/drivers/baseband/acc101/rte_acc101_pmd.c
@@ -352,6 +352,215 @@
        free_base_addresses(base_addrs, i);
+ * Find queue_id of a device queue based on details from the Info Ring.
+ * If a queue isn't found UINT16_MAX is returned.
+ */
+static inline uint16_t
+get_queue_id_from_ring_info(struct rte_bbdev_data *data,
+               const union acc101_info_ring_data ring_data)
+       uint16_t queue_id;
+       for (queue_id = 0; queue_id < data->num_queues; ++queue_id) {
+               struct acc101_queue *acc101_q =
+                               data->queues[queue_id].queue_private;
+               if (acc101_q != NULL && acc101_q->aq_id == ring_data.aq_id &&
+                               acc101_q->qgrp_id == ring_data.qg_id &&
+                               acc101_q->vf_id == ring_data.vf_id)
+                       return queue_id;
+       }
+       return UINT16_MAX;
+/* Checks PF Info Ring to find the interrupt cause and handles it accordingly 
+static inline void
+acc101_check_ir(struct acc101_device *acc101_dev)
+       volatile union acc101_info_ring_data *ring_data;
+       uint16_t info_ring_head = acc101_dev->info_ring_head;
+       if (acc101_dev->info_ring == NULL)
+               return;
+       ring_data = acc101_dev->info_ring + (acc101_dev->info_ring_head &
+                       ACC101_INFO_RING_MASK);
+       while (ring_data->valid) {
+               if ((ring_data->int_nb < ACC101_PF_INT_DMA_DL_DESC_IRQ) || (
+                               ring_data->int_nb >
+                               ACC101_PF_INT_DMA_DL5G_DESC_IRQ)) {
+                       rte_bbdev_log(WARNING, "InfoRing: ITR:%d Info:0x%x",
+                               ring_data->int_nb, ring_data->detailed_info);
+                       /* Initialize Info Ring entry and move forward */
+                       ring_data->val = 0;
+               }
+               info_ring_head++;
+               ring_data = acc101_dev->info_ring +
+                               (info_ring_head & ACC101_INFO_RING_MASK);
+       }
+/* Checks PF Info Ring to find the interrupt cause and handles it accordingly 
+static inline void
+acc101_pf_interrupt_handler(struct rte_bbdev *dev)
+       struct acc101_device *acc101_dev = dev->data->dev_private;
+       volatile union acc101_info_ring_data *ring_data;
+       struct acc101_deq_intr_details deq_intr_det;
+       ring_data = acc101_dev->info_ring + (acc101_dev->info_ring_head &
+                       ACC101_INFO_RING_MASK);
+       while (ring_data->valid) {
+               rte_bbdev_log_debug(
+                               "ACC101 PF Interrupt received, Info Ring data: 
+                               ring_data->val);
+               switch (ring_data->int_nb) {
+               case ACC101_PF_INT_DMA_DL_DESC_IRQ:
+               case ACC101_PF_INT_DMA_UL_DESC_IRQ:
+               case ACC101_PF_INT_DMA_UL5G_DESC_IRQ:
+               case ACC101_PF_INT_DMA_DL5G_DESC_IRQ:
+                       deq_intr_det.queue_id = get_queue_id_from_ring_info(
+                                       dev->data, *ring_data);
+                       if (deq_intr_det.queue_id == UINT16_MAX) {
+                               rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
+                                               "Couldn't find queue: aq_id: 
%u, qg_id: %u, vf_id: %u",
+                                               ring_data->aq_id,
+                                               ring_data->qg_id,
+                                               ring_data->vf_id);
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process(dev,
+                                       RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_DEQUEUE, &deq_intr_det);
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process(dev,
+                                       RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_ERROR, NULL);
+                       break;
+               }
+               /* Initialize Info Ring entry and move forward */
+               ring_data->val = 0;
+               ++acc101_dev->info_ring_head;
+               ring_data = acc101_dev->info_ring +
+                               (acc101_dev->info_ring_head &
+                               ACC101_INFO_RING_MASK);
+       }
+/* Checks VF Info Ring to find the interrupt cause and handles it accordingly 
+static inline void
+acc101_vf_interrupt_handler(struct rte_bbdev *dev)
+       struct acc101_device *acc101_dev = dev->data->dev_private;
+       volatile union acc101_info_ring_data *ring_data;
+       struct acc101_deq_intr_details deq_intr_det;
+       ring_data = acc101_dev->info_ring + (acc101_dev->info_ring_head &
+                       ACC101_INFO_RING_MASK);
+       while (ring_data->valid) {
+               rte_bbdev_log_debug(
+                               "ACC101 VF Interrupt received, Info Ring data: 
+                               ring_data->val);
+               switch (ring_data->int_nb) {
+               case ACC101_VF_INT_DMA_DL_DESC_IRQ:
+               case ACC101_VF_INT_DMA_UL_DESC_IRQ:
+               case ACC101_VF_INT_DMA_UL5G_DESC_IRQ:
+               case ACC101_VF_INT_DMA_DL5G_DESC_IRQ:
+                       /* VFs are not aware of their vf_id - it's set to 0 in
+                        * queue structures.
+                        */
+                       ring_data->vf_id = 0;
+                       deq_intr_det.queue_id = get_queue_id_from_ring_info(
+                                       dev->data, *ring_data);
+                       if (deq_intr_det.queue_id == UINT16_MAX) {
+                               rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
+                                               "Couldn't find queue: aq_id: 
%u, qg_id: %u",
+                                               ring_data->aq_id,
+                                               ring_data->qg_id);
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process(dev,
+                                       RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_DEQUEUE, &deq_intr_det);
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process(dev,
+                                       RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_ERROR, NULL);
+                       break;
+               }
+               /* Initialize Info Ring entry and move forward */
+               ring_data->valid = 0;
+               ++acc101_dev->info_ring_head;
+               ring_data = acc101_dev->info_ring + (acc101_dev->info_ring_head
+                               & ACC101_INFO_RING_MASK);
+       }
+/* Interrupt handler triggered by ACC101 dev for handling specific interrupt */
+static void
+acc101_dev_interrupt_handler(void *cb_arg)
+       struct rte_bbdev *dev = cb_arg;
+       struct acc101_device *acc101_dev = dev->data->dev_private;
+       /* Read info ring */
+       if (acc101_dev->pf_device)
+               acc101_pf_interrupt_handler(dev);
+       else
+               acc101_vf_interrupt_handler(dev);
+/* Allocate and setup inforing */
+static int
+allocate_info_ring(struct rte_bbdev *dev)
+       struct acc101_device *d = dev->data->dev_private;
+       const struct acc101_registry_addr *reg_addr;
+       rte_iova_t info_ring_iova;
+       uint32_t phys_low, phys_high;
+       if (d->info_ring != NULL)
+               return 0; /* Already configured */
+       /* Choose correct registry addresses for the device type */
+       if (d->pf_device)
+               reg_addr = &pf_reg_addr;
+       else
+               reg_addr = &vf_reg_addr;
+       /* Allocate InfoRing */
+       if (d->info_ring == NULL)
+               d->info_ring = rte_zmalloc_socket("Info Ring",
+                               ACC101_INFO_RING_NUM_ENTRIES *
+                               sizeof(*d->info_ring), RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE,
+                               dev->data->socket_id);
+       if (d->info_ring == NULL) {
+               rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
+                               "Failed to allocate Info Ring for %s:%u",
+                               dev->device->driver->name,
+                               dev->data->dev_id);
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       }
+       info_ring_iova = rte_malloc_virt2iova(d->info_ring);
+       /* Setup Info Ring */
+       phys_high = (uint32_t)(info_ring_iova >> 32);
+       phys_low  = (uint32_t)(info_ring_iova);
+       acc101_reg_write(d, reg_addr->info_ring_hi, phys_high);
+       acc101_reg_write(d, reg_addr->info_ring_lo, phys_low);
+       acc101_reg_write(d, reg_addr->info_ring_en, ACC101_REG_IRQ_EN_ALL);
+       d->info_ring_head = (acc101_reg_read(d, reg_addr->info_ring_ptr) &
+                       0xFFF) / sizeof(union acc101_info_ring_data);
+       return 0;
 /* Allocate 64MB memory used for all software rings */
 static int
 acc101_setup_queues(struct rte_bbdev *dev, uint16_t num_queues, int socket_id)
@@ -359,6 +568,7 @@
        uint32_t phys_low, phys_high, value;
        struct acc101_device *d = dev->data->dev_private;
        const struct acc101_registry_addr *reg_addr;
+       int ret;
        if (d->pf_device && !d->acc101_conf.pf_mode_en) {
@@ -445,6 +655,14 @@
        acc101_reg_write(d, reg_addr->tail_ptrs_dl4g_hi, phys_high);
        acc101_reg_write(d, reg_addr->tail_ptrs_dl4g_lo, phys_low);
+       ret = allocate_info_ring(dev);
+       if (ret < 0) {
+               rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Failed to allocate info_ring for %s:%u",
+                               dev->device->driver->name,
+                               dev->data->dev_id);
+               /* Continue */
+       }
        if (d->harq_layout == NULL)
                d->harq_layout = rte_zmalloc_socket("HARQ Layout",
                                ACC101_HARQ_LAYOUT * sizeof(*d->harq_layout),
@@ -468,13 +686,59 @@
        return 0;
+static int
+acc101_intr_enable(struct rte_bbdev *dev)
+       int ret;
+       struct acc101_device *d = dev->data->dev_private;
+       /* Only MSI are currently supported */
+       if (rte_intr_type_get(dev->intr_handle) == RTE_INTR_HANDLE_VFIO_MSI ||
+                       rte_intr_type_get(dev->intr_handle) == 
+               ret = allocate_info_ring(dev);
+               if (ret < 0) {
+                       rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
+                                       "Couldn't allocate info ring for 
device: %s",
+                                       dev->data->name);
+                       return ret;
+               }
+               ret = rte_intr_enable(dev->intr_handle);
+               if (ret < 0) {
+                       rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
+                                       "Couldn't enable interrupts for device: 
+                                       dev->data->name);
+                       rte_free(d->info_ring);
+                       return ret;
+               }
+               ret = rte_intr_callback_register(dev->intr_handle,
+                               acc101_dev_interrupt_handler, dev);
+               if (ret < 0) {
+                       rte_bbdev_log(ERR,
+                                       "Couldn't register interrupt callback 
for device: %s",
+                                       dev->data->name);
+                       rte_free(d->info_ring);
+                       return ret;
+               }
+               return 0;
+       }
+       rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "ACC101 (%s) supports only VFIO MSI interrupts",
+                       dev->data->name);
+       return -ENOTSUP;
 /* Free memory used for software rings */
 static int
 acc101_dev_close(struct rte_bbdev *dev)
        struct acc101_device *d = dev->data->dev_private;
+       acc101_check_ir(d);
        if (d->sw_rings_base != NULL) {
+               rte_free(d->info_ring);
                d->sw_rings_base = NULL;
@@ -770,6 +1034,7 @@
                                        RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_CRC_TYPE_24B |
                                        RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_HALF_ITERATION_EVEN |
                                        RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_EARLY_TERMINATION |
+                                       RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_DEC_INTERRUPTS |
                                        RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_NEG_LLR_1_BIT_IN |
                                        RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_DEC_TB_CRC_24B_KEEP |
                                        RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_DEC_CRC_24B_DROP |
@@ -790,6 +1055,7 @@
                                        RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_CRC_24B_ATTACH |
                                        RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_RV_INDEX_BYPASS |
                                        RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_RATE_MATCH |
+                                       RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_ENC_INTERRUPTS |
                                .num_buffers_src =
@@ -803,7 +1069,8 @@
                                .capability_flags =
                                        RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_RATE_MATCH |
                                        RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_CRC_24B_ATTACH |
-                                       RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_INTERLEAVER_BYPASS,
+                                       RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_INTERLEAVER_BYPASS |
+                                       RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_ENC_INTERRUPTS,
                                .num_buffers_src =
                                .num_buffers_dst =
@@ -828,7 +1095,8 @@
                                RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_DECODE_BYPASS |
                                RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_DEC_SCATTER_GATHER |
                                RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_HARQ_6BIT_COMPRESSION |
-                               RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_LLR_COMPRESSION,
+                               RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_LLR_COMPRESSION |
+                               RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_DEC_INTERRUPTS,
                        .llr_size = 8,
                        .llr_decimals = 1,
                        .num_buffers_src =
@@ -877,15 +1145,45 @@
        dev_info->harq_buffer_size = 0;
+       acc101_check_ir(d);
+static int
+acc101_queue_intr_enable(struct rte_bbdev *dev, uint16_t queue_id)
+       struct acc101_queue *q = dev->data->queues[queue_id].queue_private;
+       if (rte_intr_type_get(dev->intr_handle) != RTE_INTR_HANDLE_VFIO_MSI &&
+                       rte_intr_type_get(dev->intr_handle) != 
+               return -ENOTSUP;
+       q->irq_enable = 1;
+       return 0;
+static int
+acc101_queue_intr_disable(struct rte_bbdev *dev, uint16_t queue_id)
+       struct acc101_queue *q = dev->data->queues[queue_id].queue_private;
+       if (rte_intr_type_get(dev->intr_handle) != RTE_INTR_HANDLE_VFIO_MSI &&
+                       rte_intr_type_get(dev->intr_handle) != 
+               return -ENOTSUP;
+       q->irq_enable = 0;
+       return 0;
 static const struct rte_bbdev_ops acc101_bbdev_ops = {
        .setup_queues = acc101_setup_queues,
+       .intr_enable = acc101_intr_enable,
        .close = acc101_dev_close,
        .info_get = acc101_dev_info_get,
        .queue_setup = acc101_queue_setup,
        .queue_release = acc101_queue_release,
        .queue_stop = acc101_queue_stop,
+       .queue_intr_enable = acc101_queue_intr_enable,
+       .queue_intr_disable = acc101_queue_intr_disable
 /* ACC101 PCI PF address map */
@@ -3360,8 +3658,10 @@ static inline uint32_t hq_index(uint32_t offset)
                        ? (1 << RTE_BBDEV_DATA_ERROR) : 0);
        op->status |= ((rsp.dma_err) ? (1 << RTE_BBDEV_DRV_ERROR) : 0);
        op->status |= ((rsp.fcw_err) ? (1 << RTE_BBDEV_DRV_ERROR) : 0);
-       if (op->status != 0)
+       if (op->status != 0) {
+               acc101_check_ir(q->d);
+       }
        /* CRC invalid if error exists */
        if (!op->status)
@@ -3419,6 +3719,9 @@ static inline uint32_t hq_index(uint32_t offset)
                op->status |= 1 << RTE_BBDEV_SYNDROME_ERROR;
        op->ldpc_dec.iter_count = (uint8_t) rsp.iter_cnt;
+       if (op->status & (1 << RTE_BBDEV_DRV_ERROR))
+               acc101_check_ir(q->d);
        /* Check if this is the last desc in batch (Atomic Queue) */
        if (desc->req.last_desc_in_batch) {
diff --git a/drivers/baseband/acc101/rte_acc101_pmd.h 
index 1cbbb1f..afa83a6 100644
--- a/drivers/baseband/acc101/rte_acc101_pmd.h
+++ b/drivers/baseband/acc101/rte_acc101_pmd.h
@@ -557,8 +557,15 @@ struct acc101_device {
        void *sw_rings_base;  /* Base addr of un-aligned memory for sw rings */
        void *sw_rings;  /* 64MBs of 64MB aligned memory for sw rings */
        rte_iova_t sw_rings_iova;  /* IOVA address of sw_rings */
+       /* Virtual address of the info memory routed to the this function under
+        * operation, whether it is PF or VF.
+        * HW may DMA information data at this location asynchronously
+        */
+       union acc101_info_ring_data *info_ring;
        union acc101_harq_layout_data *harq_layout;
+       /* Virtual Info Ring head */
+       uint16_t info_ring_head;
        /* Number of bytes available for each queue in device, depending on
         * how many queues are enabled with configure()
@@ -577,4 +584,12 @@ struct acc101_device {
        bool configured; /**< True if this ACC101 device is configured */
+ * Structure with details about RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_DEQUEUE event. It's passed to
+ * the callback function.
+ */
+struct acc101_deq_intr_details {
+       uint16_t queue_id;
 #endif /* _RTE_ACC101_PMD_H_ */

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