On 3/1/2022 8:26 PM, Michael Baum wrote:
Add mlx5 internal option in testpmd run-time function "port attach" to
add another parameter named "mlx5_socket" for attaching port and add 2
devargs before.

The arguments are "cmd_fd" and "pd_handle" using to import device
created out of PMD. Testpmd application import it using IPC, and updates
the devargs list before attaching.

The syntax is:

   testpmd > port attach (identifier) mlx5_socket=(path)

Where "path" is the IPC socket path agreed on the remote process.

Signed-off-by: Michael Baum <michae...@nvidia.com>
Acked-by: Matan Azrad <ma...@nvidia.com>


diff --git a/app/test-pmd/meson.build b/app/test-pmd/meson.build
index 43130c8856..c4fd379e67 100644
--- a/app/test-pmd/meson.build
+++ b/app/test-pmd/meson.build
@@ -73,3 +73,6 @@ endif
  if dpdk_conf.has('RTE_NET_DPAA')
      deps += ['bus_dpaa', 'mempool_dpaa', 'net_dpaa']
+if dpdk_conf.has('RTE_NET_MLX5')
+    deps += 'net_mlx5'

Is this patch introduce any build time dependency to mlx5
driver? If not this chunk should go to next patch, which
uses mlx5 PMD specific API.


diff --git a/doc/guides/testpmd_app_ug/testpmd_funcs.rst 
index 1083c6d538..d6490947c4 100644
--- a/doc/guides/testpmd_app_ug/testpmd_funcs.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/testpmd_app_ug/testpmd_funcs.rst
@@ -2127,6 +2127,46 @@ the mode and slave parameters must be given.
+port attach with mlx5 socket path
+MLX5 internal option to attach a port specified by pci address or virtual 
+args and add extra devargs to it, which is imported from external process::
+   testpmd> port attach (identifier) mlx5_socket=(path)
+* ``identifier``: pci address or virtual device args.
+* ``path``: socket path to import arguments agreed by the external process.
+The mlx5 PMD enables to import CTX and PD created outside the PMD.
+It gets as devargs the device's ``cmd_fd`` and ``pd_handle``,
+then using those arguments to import objects.
+See :ref:`mlx5 driver options <mlx5_common_driver_options>` for more 
+When ``cmd_fd`` and ``pd_handle`` arguments are coming from another process,
+the FD must be dup'd before being passed.
+In this function, testpmd initializes IPC socket to get FD using SCM_RIGHTS.
+It gets the external process socket path, then import the ``cmd_fd`` and
+``pd_handle`` arguments and add them to devargs list.
+After updating this, it calls the regular ``port attach`` function
+with extended idevtifier.
+For example, to attach a port whose pci address is ``0000:0a:00.0`` and its
+socket path is ``/var/run/import_ipc_socket``.
+.. code-block:: console
+   testpmd> port attach 0000:0a:00.0 mlx5_socket=/var/run/import_ipc_socket
+   Attaching a new port...
+   testpmd: MLX5 socket path is /var/run/import_ipc_socket
+   testpmd: Attach port with extra devargs 0000:0a:00.0,cmd_fd=40,pd_handle=1
+   EAL: Probe PCI driver: mlx5_pci (15b3:101d) device: 0000:03:00.0 (socket 0)
+   Port 0 is attached. Now total ports is 1
+   Done

Hi Michael,

This is too much mlx5 specific addition, and I don't think it is
good to extend testpmd with PMD specific code.
If we enable it, sure there will be other vendors willing to do
the same, making testpmd even messier.

I don't know what those ``cmd_fd`` and ``pd_handle`` (that read
from provided socket), but can they be read from some other
script and feed to testpmd, like a python wrapper etc...

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