Define a set of macros in the build configuration to allow C runtime
code to check the current OS environment. This saves the user having to
use ifdefs for e.g. disabling particular tests on Windows. See included
documentation changes for usage examples.

Signed-off-by: Bruce Richardson <>
 doc/guides/contributing/coding_style.rst | 42 ++++++++++++++++++++++--
 lib/eal/                      |  7 ++++
 2 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/guides/contributing/coding_style.rst 
index 0ec37c019b..e52ecb2b60 100644
--- a/doc/guides/contributing/coding_style.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/contributing/coding_style.rst
@@ -136,6 +136,12 @@ For example:
 Conditional Compilation
+.. note::
+ Conditional compilation should be used only when absolutely necessary, as it 
increases the number of target binaries that need to be built and tested.
+ See below for details of some utility macros/defines available to allow 
ifdefs/macros to be replaced by C conditional in some cases.
 * When code is conditionally compiled using ``#ifdef`` or ``#if``, a comment 
may be added following the matching
   ``#endif`` or ``#else`` to permit the reader to easily discern where 
conditionally compiled code regions end.
 * This comment should be used only for (subjectively) long regions, regions 
greater than 20 lines, or where a series of nested ``#ifdef``'s may be 
confusing to the reader.
@@ -165,9 +171,41 @@ Conditional Compilation
  /* Or here. */
  #endif /* !COMPAT_43 */
-.. note::
+Defines to Avoid Conditional Compilation
+In many cases in DPDK, one wants to optionally compile code based on the 
target platform,
+or runtime environment.
+While this can be done using the conditional compilation directives,
+e.g. ``#ifdef RTE_EXEC_ENV_LINUX``, present in DPDK for many releases,
+this can also be done in many cases using regular ``if`` statements and the 
following defines:
+* ``RTE_ENV_FREEBSD``, ``RTE_ENV_LINUX``, ``RTE_ENV_WINDOWS`` - these define 
ids for each operating system environment.
+* ``RTE_EXEC_ENV`` - this defines the id of the current environment, i.e. one 
of the items in list above.
``RTE_EXEC_ENV_IS_WINDOWS`` - 0/1 values indicating if the current environment 
is that specified,
+  shortcuts for checking e.g. ``RTE_EXEC_ENV == RTE_ENV_WINDOWS``
+Examples of use:
+.. code-block:: c
+  /* report a unit tests as unsupported on Windows */
+     return TEST_SKIPPED;
+  /* set different default values depending on OS Environment */
+  switch (RTE_EXEC_ENV) {
+     case RTE_ENV_FREEBSD:
+         default = x;
+         break;
+     case RTE_ENV_LINUX:
+         default = y;
+         break;
+     case RTE_ENV_WINDOWS:
+         default = z;
+         break;
+  }
- Conditional compilation should be used only when absolutely necessary, as it 
increases the number of target binaries that need to be built and tested.
 C Types
diff --git a/lib/eal/ b/lib/eal/
index 1722924f67..056beb9461 100644
--- a/lib/eal/
+++ b/lib/eal/
@@ -10,6 +10,13 @@ if not is_windows
+exec_envs = {'freebsd': 0, 'linux': 1, 'windows': 2}
+foreach env, id:exec_envs
+    dpdk_conf.set('RTE_ENV_' + env.to_upper(), id)
+    dpdk_conf.set10('RTE_EXEC_ENV_IS_' + env.to_upper(), (exec_env == env))
+dpdk_conf.set('RTE_EXEC_ENV', exec_envs[exec_env])
 dpdk_conf.set('RTE_EXEC_ENV_' + exec_env.to_upper(), 1)

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