On 03/08/15 23:12, Thomas Monjalon wrote:
> Hi Vlad,
> 2015-03-08 16:04, Vlad Zolotarov:
>> According to x540 spec chapter CRCSTRIP field of RDRXCTL should
>> be configured to the same value as HLREG0.RXCRCSTRP.
>> Clearing the RDRXCTL.RSCFRSTSIZE field for x540 is not required by the spec
>> but seems harmless.
>> Signed-off-by: Vlad Zolotarov <vladz at cloudius-systems.com>
> You are mixing a fix (this patch) and enhancements (LRO) in the same series.

I'd also like to clarify that I've "mixed" them because the bugs were 
found in the area of the enhancement therefore I united them in the same 
Frankly, I wasn't thinking about the DPDK versions it's going into when 
I sent the series... ;)

> Could you separate them please, as LRO is not going into 2.0 but this fix
> is a good candidate.
> Thanks

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