From: Jerin Jacob <>
Dataplane Workload Accelerator library

Definition of Dataplane Workload Accelerator
Dataplane Workload Accelerator(DWA) typically contains a set of CPUs,
Network controllers and programmable data acceleration engines for
packet processing, cryptography, regex engines, baseband processing, etc. 
This allows DWA to offload  compute/packet processing/baseband/
cryptography-related workload from the host CPU to save the cost and power. 
Also to enable scaling the workload by adding DWAs to the Host CPU as needed.

Unlike other devices in DPDK, the DWA device is not fixed-function
due to the fact that it has CPUs and programmable HW accelerators.
This enables DWA personality/workload to be completely programmable.
Typical examples of DWA offloads are Flow/Session management,
Virtual switch, TLS offload, IPsec offload, l3fwd offload, etc.

Motivation for the new library
Even though, a lot of semiconductor vendors offers a different form of DWA,
such as DPU(often called Smart-NIC), GPU, IPU, XPU, etc., 
Due to the lack of standard APIs to "Define the workload" and
"Communication between HOST and DWA", it is difficult for DPDK
consumers to use them in a portable way across different DWA vendors
and enable it in cloud environments.

Contents of RFC 
This RFC attempts to define standard APIs for: 

1) Definition of Profiles corresponding to well defined workloads, which 
   a set of TLV(Messages) as a request  and response scheme to define 
   the contract between host and DWA to offload a workload.
   (See lib/dwa/rte_dwa_profile_* header files)
2) Discovery of a DWAs capabilities (e.g. which specific workloads it can 
   in a vendor independent fashion. (See rte_dwa_dev_disc_profiles())
3) Attaching a set of profiles to a DWA device(See rte_dwa_dev_attach())
4) A communication framework between Host and DWA(See rte_dwa_ctrl_op() for
   control plane and rte_dwa_port_host_* for user plane)
5) Virtualization of DWA hardware and firmware (Use standard DPDK device/bus 
6) Enablement of administrative functions such as FW updates,
   resource partitioning in a DWA like items in global in
   nature that is applicable for all DWA device under the DWA.
   (See rte_dwa_profile_admin.h) 

Also, this RFC define the L3FWD profile to offload L3FWD workload to DWA.
This RFC defines an ethernet-style host port for Host to DWA communication.
Different host port types may be required to cover the large spectrum of DWA 
types as
transports like PCIe DMA, Shared Memory, or Ethernet are fundamentally 
and optimal performance need host port specific APIs.

The framework does not force an abstract of different transport interfaces as
single API, instead, decouples TLV from the transport interface and focuses on 
defining the TLVs and leaving vendors to specify the host ports
specific to their DWA architecture.

1) Address the comments for this RFC and enable the common code
2) SW drivers/infrastructure for `DWA` and `DWA device`
as two separate DPDK processes over `memif` DPDK ethdev driver for 
L3FWD offload. This is to enable the framework without any special HW.
3) Example DWA device application for L3FWD profile.
4) Marvell DWA Device drivers.
5) Based on community interest new profile can be added in the future.

DWA library framework

DWA components:

                                                  +--> rte_dwa_port_host_*()
                                                  |  (User Plane traffic as TLV)
                 +----------------------+         |   +--------------------+
                 |                      |         |   | DPDK DWA Device[0] |
                 |  +----------------+  |  Host Port  | +----------------+ |
                 |  |                |  |<========+==>| |                | |
                 |  |   Profile 0    |  |             | |   Profile X    | |
                 |  |                |  |             | |                | |
  <=============>|  +----------------+  | Control Port| +----------------+ |
    DWA Port0    |  +----------------+  |<========+==>|                    |
                 |  |                |  |         |   +--------------------+
                 |  |   Profile 1    |  |         |
                 |  |                |  |         +--> rte_dwa_ctrl_op()
                 |  +----------------+  |         (Control Plane traffic as TLV)
  <=============>|      Dataplane       |
    DWA Port1    |      Workload        |
                 |      Accelerator     |             +---------- ---------+
                 |      (HW/FW/SW)      |             | DPDK DWA Device[N] |
                 |                      |  Host Port  | +----------------+ |
  <=============>|  +----------------+  |<===========>| |                | |
    DWA PortN    |  |                |  |             | |   Profile Y    | |
                 |  |    Profile N   |  |             | |           ^    | |
                 |  |                |  | Control Port| +-----------|----+ |
                 |  +-------|--------+  |<===========>|             |      |
                 |          |           |             +-------------|------+
                 +----------|-----------+                           |    
                            |                                       |    

Dataplane Workload Accelerator: It is an abstract model. The model is
capable of offloading the dataplane workload from application via
DPDK API over host and control ports of a DWA device.
Dataplane Workload Accelerator(DWA) typically contains a set of CPUs,
Network controllers, and programmable data acceleration engines for
packet processing, cryptography, regex engines, base-band processing, etc. 
This allows DWA to offload compute/packet 
workload from the host CPU to save cost and power. Also, 
enable scaling the workload by adding DWAs to the host CPU as needed.

DWA device: A DWA can be sliced to N number of DPDK DWA device(s)
based on the resources available in DWA.
The DPDK API interface operates on the DPDK DWA device.
It is a representation of a set of resources in DWA.

TLV: TLV (tag-length-value) encoded data stream contain tag as
message ID, followed by message length, and finally the message payload.
The 32bit message ID consists of two parts, 16bit Tag and 16bit Subtag.
The tag represents ID of the group of the similar message,
whereas, subtag represents a message tag ID under the group.

Control Port: Used for transferring the control plane TLVs. Every DPDK
DWA device must have a control port. Only one outstanding TLV can be
processed via this port by a single DWA device. This makes the control
port suitable for the control plane.

Host Port: Used for transferring the user plane TLVs. 
Ethernet, PCIe DMA, Shared Memory, etc.are the example of 
different transport mechanisms abstracted under the host port.
The primary purpose of host port to decouple the user plane TLVs with
underneath transport mechanism differences.
Unlike control port, more than one outstanding TLVs can be processed by 
a single DWA device via this port.
This makes, the host port transfer to be in asynchronous nature,
to support large volumes and less latency user plane traffic.

DWA Port: Used for transferring data between the external source and DWA.
Ethernet, eCPRI are examples of DWA ports. Unlike host ports,
the host CPU is not involved in transferring the data to/from DWA ports.
These ports typically connected to the Network controller inside the 
DWA to transfer the traffic from the external source.

TLV direction: `Host to DWA` and `DWA to Host` are the directions
of TLV messages. The former one is specified as H2D, and the later one is 
specified as D2H. The H2D control TLVs, used for requesting DWA to perform 
specific action and D2H control TLVs are used to respond to the requested
actions. The H2D user plane messages are used for transferring data from the
host to the DWA. The D2H user plane messages are used for transferring 
data from the DWA to the host.

DWA device states: Following are the different states of a DWA device.
- READY: DWA Device is ready to attach the profile.
See rte_dwa_dev_disc_profiles() API to discover the profile.
- ATTACHED: DWA Device attached to one or more profiles.
See rte_dwa_dev_attach() API to attach the profile(s).
- STOPPED: Profile is in the stop state.
TLV type `TYPE_ATTACHED`and `TYPE_STOPPED` messages are valid in this state.
After rte_dwa_dev_attach() or explicitly invoking the rte_dwa_stop() API
brings device to this state.
- RUNNING: Invoking rte_dwa_start() brings the device to this state.
TLV type `TYPE_STARTED` and `TYPE_USER_PLANE` are valid in this state.
- DETACHED: Invoking rte_dwa_dev_detach() brings the device to this state.
The device and profile must be in the STOPPED state prior to
invoking the rte_dwa_dev_detach().
- CLOSED: Closed a stopped/detached DWA device.The device cannot be restarted!.
Invoking rte_dwa_dev_close() brings the device to this state.

TLV types: Following are the different TLV types
- TYPE_ATTACHED: Valid when the device is in `ATTACHED`, `STOPPED` and 
`RUNNING` state.
- TYPE_STOPPED: Valid when the device is in `STOPPED` state.
- TYPE_STARTED: Valid when the device is in `RUNNING` state.
- TYPE_USER_PLANE: Valid when the device is in `RUNNING` state and
used to transfer only user plane traffic.

Profile: Specifies a workload that dataplane workload accelerator 
process on behalf of a DPDK application through a DPDK DWA device.
A profile is expressed as a set of TLV messages for control plane and user plane
functions. Each TLV message must have Tag, SubTag, Direction, Type, Payload 

Programming model: Typical application programming sequence is as follows,
1) In the EAL initialization phase, the DWA devices shall be probed,
   the application can query the number of available DWA devices with
   rte_dwa_dev_count() API.
2) Application discovers the available profile(s) in a DWA device using
   rte_dwa_dev_disc_profiles() API.
3) Application attaches one or more profile(s) to a DWA device using
4) Once the profile is attached, The device shall be in the STOPPED state.
   Configure the profile(s) with `TYPE_ATTACHED`and `TYPE_STOPPED` 
   type TLVs using rte_dwa_ctrl_op() API.
5) Once the profile is configured, move the profile to the `RUNNING` state
   by invoking rte_dwa_start() API.
6) Once the profile is in running state and if it has user plane TLV,
   transfer those TLVs using rte_dwa_port_host_() API based on the available 
   host port for the given profile attached.
7) Application can change the dynamic configuration aspects in
   `RUNNING` state using rte_dwa_ctrl_op() API by issuing `TYPE_STARTED` type
   of TLV messages.
8) Finally, use rte_dwa_stop(), rte_dwa_dev_detach(), rte_dwa_dev_close()
   sequence for tear-down.

L3FWD profile

                             |                                  |
                 +-----------|----------+                       |
                 |           |          |                       |
                 |  +--------|-------+  |                       |
                 |  |                |  |                       |
                 |  | L3FWD Profile  |  |                       |
      \          |  |                |  |                       |
  <====\========>|  +----------------+  |                       |
    DWA \Port0   |     Lookup Table     |             +---------|----------+
         \       |  +----------------+  |             | DPDK DWA|Device[0] |
          \      |  | IP    | Dport  |  |  Host Port  | +-------|--------+ |
           \     |  +----------------+  |<===========>| |       |        | |
            +~[3]~~~|~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>|->L3FWD Profile | |
  <=============>|  +----------------+  |             | |                | |
    DWA Port1    |  |       |        |  | Control Port| +-|---------|----+ |
                 |  +----------------+  |<===========>|   |         |      |
    ~~~>~~[5]~~~~|~~|~~~+   |        |  |             +---|---------|------+
                 |  +---+------------+  |                 |         |
    ~~~<~~~~~~~~~|~~|~~~+   |        |<-|------[2]--------+         |
                 |  +----------------+<-|------[4]------------------+
                 |    Dataplane         |
  <=============>|    Workload          |
    DWA PortN    |    Accelerator       |
                 |    (HW/FW/SW)        |

L3FWD profile offloads Layer-3 forwarding between the DWA Ethernet ports.

The above diagram depicts the profile and application programming sequence.
1) DWA device attaches the L3FWD profile using rte_dwa_dev_attach().
2) Configure the L3FWD profile:
a) The application requests L3FWD profile capabilities of the DWA
   by using RTE_DWA_STAG_PROFILE_L3FWD_H2D_INFO, On response,
   the RTE_DWA_STAG_PROFILE_L3FWD_D2H_INFO returns the lookup modes
   supported, max rules supported, and available host ports for this profile.   
b) The application configures a set of DWA ports to use a 
   lookup mode(EM, LPM, or FIB) via RTE_DWA_STAG_PROFILE_L3FWD_H2D_CONFIG.
c) The application configures a valid host port to receive exception packets.
3) The exception that is not matching forwarding table entry comes as
   packet send back destination ports after completing step (4).
4) Parse the exception packet and add rules to the FWD table using
   RTE_DWA_STAG_PROFILE_L3FWD_H2D_LOOKUP_ADD. If the application knows the 
rules beforehand,
   it can add the rules in step 2.
5) When DWA ports receive the matching flows in the lookup table, DWA forwards
   to DWA Ethernet ports without host CPU intervention.

Example application usage with L3FWD profile
This example application is to demonstrate the programming model of DWA library.
This example omits the error checks to simply the application.

dwa_profile_l3fwd_add_rule(rte_dwa_obj_t obj obj, struct rte_mbuf *mbuf)
        struct rte_dwa_profile_l3fwd_h2d_lookup_add *lookup;
        struct rte_dwa_tlv *h2d, *d2h;
        struct rte_ether_hdr *eth_hdr;
        struct rte_ipv4_hdr *ipv4_hdr;
        uint32_t id;
        size_t len;

        len = sizeof(struct rte_dwa_profile_l3fwd_h2d_config);
        h2d = malloc(RTE_DWA_TLV_HDR_SZ + len);

        lookup = h2d->msg;
        /* Simply hardcode to IPv4 instead of looking for Packet type to 
simplify example */
        lookup->rule_type = RTE_DWA_PROFILE_L3FWD_RULE_TYPE_IPV4;
        lookup->v4_rule.prefix.depth = 24;

        eth_hdr = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(mbuf, struct rte_ether_hdr *);
        ipv4_hdr = (struct rte_ipv4_hdr *)(eth_hdr + 1);
        lookup->v4_rule.prefix.ip_dst = rte_be_to_cpu_32(ipv4_hdr->dst_addr);
        lookup->eth_port_dst = mbuf->port;

        rte_dwa_tlv_fill(h2d, id, len, h2d);
        d2h = rte_dwa_ctrl_op(obj, h2h);

dwa_profile_l3fwd_port_host_ethernet_worker(rte_dwa_obj_t obj, struct app_ctx 
        struct rte_dwa_profile_l3fwd_d2h_exception_pkts *msg;
        struct rte_dwa_tlv *tlv;
        uint16_t i, rc, nb_tlvs;
        struct rte_mbuf *mbuf;

        while (!ctx->done) {
                rc = rte_dwa_port_host_ethernet_rx(obj, 0, &tlv, 1);
                if (!rc)

                /* Since L3FWD profile has only one User Plane TLV, Message 
must be 
                msg = (struct rte_dwa_profile_l3fwd_d2h_exception_pkts 
                for (i = 0; i < msg->nb_pkts; i++) {
                                mbuf = msg->pkts[i];
                                /* Got a exception pkt from DWA, handle it by 
adding as new rule in
                                 * lookup table in DWA
                                dwa_profile_l3fwd_add_rule(obj, mbuf);
                                /* Free the mbuf to pool */
                /* Done with TLV mbuf container, free it back */
                rte_mempool_ops_enqueue_bulk(ctx->tlv_pool, tlv, 1);

dwa_port_host_ethernet_config(rte_dwa_obj_t obj, struct app_ctx *ctx)
        struct rte_dwa_tlv info_h2d, *info_d2h, *h2d = NULL, *d2h;
        struct rte_dwa_port_host_ethernet_d2h_info *info;
        int tlv_pool_element_sz;
        bool rc = false;
        size_t len;

        /* Get the Ethernet host port info */
        rte_dwa_tlv_fill(&info_h2d, id, 0, NULL);
        info_d2h = rte_dwa_ctrl_op(obj, &info_h2d)

        info = rte_dwa_tlv_d2h_to_msg(info_d2h);
        if (info == NULL)
                goto fail;
        /* Need min one Rx queue to Receive exception traffic */ 
        if (info->nb_rx_queues == 0)
                goto fail;
        /* Done with message from DWA. Free back to implementation */
        free(obj, info_d2h);

        /* Allocate exception packet pool */
        ctx->pkt_pool = rte_pktmbuf_pool_create("exception pool", /* Name */
                                ctx->pkt_pool_depth, /* Number of elements*/
                                512, /* Cache size*/

        tlv_pool_element_sz = DWA_EXCEPTION_PACKETS_PKT_BURST_MAX_SZ * 
sizeof(rte_mbuf *);
        tlv_pool_element_sz  += 

        /* Allocate TLV pool for 
        ctx->tlv_pool = rte_mempool_create("TLV pool", /* mempool name */
                                ctx->tlv_pool_depth, /* Number of elements*/
                                tlv_pool_element_sz, /* Element size*/
                                512, /* cache size*/
                                0, NULL, NULL, NULL /* Obj constructor */, NULL,
                                ctx->socket_id, 0 /* flags *);

        /* Configure Ethernet host port */
        len = sizeof(struct rte_dwa_port_host_ethernet_config);
        h2d = malloc(RTE_DWA_TLV_HDR_SZ + len);

        cfg = h2d->msg;
        /* Update the Ethernet configuration parameters */
        cfg->nb_rx_queues = 1;
        cfg->nb_tx_queues = 0;
        cfg->max_burst = DWA_EXCEPTION_PACKETS_PKT_BURST_MAX_SZ;
        cfg->pkt_pool = ctx->pkt_pool;
        cfg->tlv_pool = ctx->tlv_pool;
        rte_dwa_tlv_fill(h2d, id, len, h2d);
        d2h = rte_dwa_ctrl_op(obj, h2d);
        if (d2h == NULL))
                goto fail;


        /* Configure Rx queue 0 receive expectation traffic */
        len = sizeof(struct rte_dwa_port_host_ethernet_queue_config);
        h2d = malloc(RTE_DWA_TLV_HDR_SZ + len);

        cfg = h2d->msg;
        cfg->id = 0; /* 0th Queue */
        cfg->enable= 1;
        cfg->is_tx = 0; /* Rx queue */
        cfg->depth = ctx->rx_queue_depth;
        rte_dwa_tlv_fill(h2d, id, len, h2d);
        d2h = rte_dwa_ctrl_op(obj, h2d);
        if (d2h == NULL))
                goto fail;


        return true;
        if (h2d)
        return rc;

dwa_profile_l3fwd_config(rte_dwa_obj_t obj, struct app_ctx *ctx)
        struct rte_dwa_tlv info_h2d, *info_d2h = NULL, *h2d, *d2h = NULL;
        struct rte_dwa_port_dwa_ethernet_d2h_info *info;
        struct rte_dwa_profile_l3fwd_h2d_config *cfg;
        bool rc = false;
        uint32_t id;
        size_t len;

        /* Get DWA Ethernet port info */ 
        rte_dwa_tlv_fill(&info_h2d, id, 0, NULL);
        info_d2h = rte_dwa_ctrl_op(obj, &info_h2d);

        info = rte_dwa_tlv_d2h_to_msg(info_d2h);
        if (info == NULL)
                goto fail;
        /* Not found any DWA ethernet ports */
        if (info->nb_ports == 0)
                goto fail;

        /* Configure L3FWD profile */
        len = sizeof(struct rte_dwa_profile_l3fwd_h2d_config) + 
(sizeof(uint16_t) * info->nb_ports);
        h2d = malloc(RTE_DWA_TLV_HDR_SZ + len);

        cfg = h2d->msg;
        /* Update the L3FWD configuration parameters */
        cfg->mode = ctx->mode;
        /* Attach all DWA Ethernet ports onto L3FWD profile */
        cfg->nb_eth_ports = info->nb_ports;
        memcpy(cfg->eth_ports, info->avail_ports, sizeof(uint16_t) * 

        rte_dwa_tlv_fill(h2d, id, len, h2d);
        d2h = rte_dwa_ctrl_op(obj, h2d);

        /* All good */
        rc = true;
        if (info_d2h)
                free(obj, info_d2h);
        if (d2h)
                free(obj, d2h);

        return rc;

dwa_profile_l3fwd_has_capa(rte_dwa_obj_t obj, struct app_ctx *ctx)
        struct rte_dwa_profile_l3fwd_d2h_info *info;
        struct rte_dwa_tlv h2d, *d2h;
        bool found = false;
        uint32_t id;

        /* Get L3FWD profile info */
        rte_dwa_tlv_fill(&h2d, id, 0, NULL);
        d2h = rte_dwa_ctrl_op(obj, &h2d);

        info = rte_dwa_tlv_d2h_to_msg(d2h);
        /* Request failed */
        if (info == NULL)
                goto fail;
        /* Required lookup modes is not supported */
        if (!(info->modes_supported & ctx->mode))
                goto fail;

        /* Check profile supports HOST_ETHERNET port as this application
         * supports only host port as Ethernet
        for (i = 0; i < info->nb_host_ports; i++) {
                if (info->host_ports[i] == RTE_DWA_TAG_PORT_HOST_ETHERNET); {
                        found = true;

        /* Done with response, Free the d2h memory allocated by implementation 
        free(obj, d2h);
        return found;

dwa_has_profile(enum rte_dwa_tag_profile pf)
        enum rte_dwa_tlv_profile *pfs = NULL;
        bool found = false;
        int nb_pfs;

        /* Get the number of profiles on the DWA device */
        nb_pfs = rte_dwa_dev_disc_profiles(0, NULL);
        pfs = malloc(sizeof(enum rte_dwa_tag_profile)  * nb_pfs);
        /* Fetch all the profiles */
        nb_pfs = rte_dwa_dev_disc_profiles(0, pfs);

        /* Check the list has requested profile */
        for (i = 0; i < nb_pfs; i++) {
                if (pfs[i] == pf);
                        found = true;

        return found;

#include <rte_dwa.h>


struct app_ctx {
        bool done;
        struct rte_mempool *pkt_pool;
        struct rte_mempool *tlv_pool;
        enum rte_dwa_profile_l3fwd_lookup_mode mode;
        int socket_id;
        int pkt_pool_depth;     
        int tlv_pool_depth;
        int rx_queue_depth;
} __rte_cache_aligned;

main(int argc, char **argv)
        rte_dwa_obj_t obj = NULL;
        struct app_ctx ctx;
        int rc;
        /* Initialize EAL */      
        rc= rte_eal_init(argc, argv);
        if (rc < 0)
              rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Invalid EAL arguments\n");
        argc -= ret;
        argv += ret;

        memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx));
        /* Set application default values */
        ctx->mode = RTE_DWA_PROFILE_L3FWD_MODE_LPM;
        ctx->socket_id = SOCKET_ID_ANY;
        ctx->pkt_pool_depth = 10000;
        ctx->tlv_pool_depth = 10000;
        ctx->rx_queue_depth = 10000;

        /* Step 1: Check any DWA devices present  */
        rc = rte_dwa_dev_count();
        if (rc <= 0)
                rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Failed to find DWA devices\n");

        /* Step 2: Check DWA device has L3FWD profile or not */
        if (!dwa_has_profile(RTE_DWA_TAG_PROFILE_L3FWD))
                rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "L3FWD profile not found\n");

         * Step 3: Now that, workload accelerator has L3FWD profile,
         * offload L3FWD workload to accelerator by attaching the profile
         * to accelerator.
        enum rte_dwa_tlv_profile profile[] = {RTE_DWA_TAG_PROFILE_L3FWD};
        obj = rte_dwa_dev_attach(0, "my_custom_accelerator_device", profile, 

        /* Step 4: Check Attached L3FWD profile has required capability to 
proceed */
        if (!dwa_profile_l3fwd_has_capa(obj, &ctx))
                rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "L3FWD profile does not have enough 
capability \n");

        /* Step 5: Configure l3fwd profile */ 
        if (!dwa_profile_l3fwd_config(obj, &ctx))
                rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "L3FWD profile configure failed \n");

        /* Step 6: Configure ethernet host port to receive exception packets */
        if (!dwa_port_host_ethernet_config(obj, &ctx))
                rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "L3FWD profile configure failed \n");

        /* Step 7 : Move DWA profiles to start state */

        /* Step 8: Handle expectation packets and add lookup rules for it */
        dwa_profile_l3fwd_port_host_ethernet_worker(obj, &ctx);

        /* Step 9: Clean up */
        rte_dwa_dev_detach(0, obj);
        return 0;

Jerin Jacob (1):
  dwa: introduce dataplane workload accelerator subsystem

 doc/api/            |  13 +
 doc/api/             |   1 +
 lib/dwa/dwa.c                        |   7 +
 lib/dwa/                  |  17 ++
 lib/dwa/rte_dwa.h                    | 184 +++++++++++++
 lib/dwa/rte_dwa_core.h               | 264 +++++++++++++++++++
 lib/dwa/rte_dwa_dev.h                | 154 +++++++++++
 lib/dwa/rte_dwa_port_dwa_ethernet.h  |  68 +++++
 lib/dwa/rte_dwa_port_host_ethernet.h | 178 +++++++++++++
 lib/dwa/rte_dwa_profile_admin.h      |  85 ++++++
 lib/dwa/rte_dwa_profile_l3fwd.h      | 378 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 lib/dwa/                  |   3 +
 lib/                      |   1 +
 13 files changed, 1353 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 lib/dwa/dwa.c
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 create mode 100644 lib/dwa/rte_dwa_dev.h
 create mode 100644 lib/dwa/rte_dwa_port_dwa_ethernet.h
 create mode 100644 lib/dwa/rte_dwa_port_host_ethernet.h
 create mode 100644 lib/dwa/rte_dwa_profile_admin.h
 create mode 100644 lib/dwa/rte_dwa_profile_l3fwd.h
 create mode 100644 lib/dwa/


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