The cryptodev library now registers commands with telemetry, and
implements the corresponding callback functions. These commands
allow a list of cryptodevs to be queried, as well as info and stats
for the corresponding cryptodev.

An example usage can be seen below:

Connecting to /var/run/dpdk/rte/dpdk_telemetry.v2
{"version": "DPDK 21.11.0-rc0", "pid": 1135019, "max_output_len": 16384}
--> /
{"/": ["/", "/cryptodev/info", "/cryptodev/list", "/cryptodev/stats", ...]}
--> /cryptodev/list
{"/cryptodev/list": [0,1,2,3]}
--> /cryptodev/info,0
{"/cryptodev/info": {"device_name": "0000:1c:01.0_qat_sym", \
         "max_nb_queue_pairs": 2}}
--> /cryptodev/stats,0
{"/cryptodev/stats": {"enqueued_count": 0, "dequeued_count": 0, \
        "enqueue_err_count": 0, "dequeue_err_count": 0}}

Signed-off-by: Rebecca Troy <>
Acked-by: Ciara Power <>

 - Added missing telemetry dependency to
  - Corrected doc heading underline and link.
  - Replaced remaining -1 return values with -EINVAL.
  - Added missing version tag to patch.
  - Added documentation and release notes.
  - Changed the /cryptodev/list command to list the devices as an
        array of IDs, rather than as names and IDs.
  - Added the /cryptodev/info command as described above.
 doc/guides/prog_guide/cryptodev_lib.rst | 28 ++++++++
 doc/guides/rel_notes/release_21_11.rst  |  5 ++
 lib/cryptodev/               |  2 +-
 lib/cryptodev/rte_cryptodev.c           | 92 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 126 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/doc/guides/prog_guide/cryptodev_lib.rst 
index 9b1cf8d49f..25663e552e 100644
--- a/doc/guides/prog_guide/cryptodev_lib.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/prog_guide/cryptodev_lib.rst
@@ -1282,3 +1282,31 @@ Asymmetric Crypto Device API
 The cryptodev Library API is described in the
 `DPDK API Reference <>`_
+Device Statistics
+The Cryptodev library has support for displaying Crypto device information
+through the Telemetry interface. Telemetry commands that can be used
+are shown below.
+#. Get the list of available Crypto devices by ID::
+     --> /cryptodev/list
+     {"/cryptodev/list": [0, 1, 2, 3]}
+#. Get general information from a Crypto device::
+     --> /cryptodev/info,0
+     {"/cryptodev/info": {"device_name": "0000:1c:01.0_qat_sym",
+     "max_nb_queue_pairs": 2}}
+#. Get the statistics for a particular Crypto device::
+     --> /cryptodev/stats,0
+     {"/cryptodev/stats": {"enqueued_count": 0, "dequeued_count": 0,
+     "enqueue_err_count": 0, "dequeue_err_count": 0}}
+For more information on how to use the Telemetry interface, see
+the :doc:`../howto/telemetry`.
diff --git a/doc/guides/rel_notes/release_21_11.rst 
index f643a61f44..f3242acb15 100644
--- a/doc/guides/rel_notes/release_21_11.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/rel_notes/release_21_11.rst
@@ -137,6 +137,11 @@ New Features
   Added support for more comprehensive CRC options.
+* **Added Telemetry callbacks to Cryptodev library.**
+  Added Telemetry callback functions which allow a list of Crypto devices,
+  stats for a Crypto device, and other device information to be queried.
 * **Added multi-process support for testpmd.**
   Added command-line options to specify total number of processes and
diff --git a/lib/cryptodev/ b/lib/cryptodev/
index 51371c3aa2..7d8c7fdd62 100644
--- a/lib/cryptodev/
+++ b/lib/cryptodev/
@@ -19,4 +19,4 @@ driver_sdk_headers += files(
-deps += ['kvargs', 'mbuf', 'rcu']
+deps += ['kvargs', 'mbuf', 'rcu', 'telemetry']
diff --git a/lib/cryptodev/rte_cryptodev.c b/lib/cryptodev/rte_cryptodev.c
index b913c434c5..52066a953b 100644
--- a/lib/cryptodev/rte_cryptodev.c
+++ b/lib/cryptodev/rte_cryptodev.c
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
 #include <rte_errno.h>
 #include <rte_spinlock.h>
 #include <rte_string_fns.h>
+#include <rte_telemetry.h>
 #include "rte_crypto.h"
 #include "rte_cryptodev.h"
@@ -2426,3 +2427,94 @@ rte_cryptodev_allocate_driver(struct cryptodev_driver 
        return nb_drivers++;
+static int
+cryptodev_handle_dev_list(const char *cmd __rte_unused,
+               const char *params __rte_unused,
+               struct rte_tel_data *d)
+       int dev_id;
+       if (rte_cryptodev_count() < 1)
+               return -1;
+       rte_tel_data_start_array(d, RTE_TEL_INT_VAL);
+       for (dev_id = 0; dev_id < RTE_CRYPTO_MAX_DEVS; dev_id++)
+               if (rte_cryptodev_is_valid_dev(dev_id))
+                       rte_tel_data_add_array_int(d, dev_id);
+       return 0;
+static int
+cryptodev_handle_dev_info(const char *cmd __rte_unused,
+               const char *params, struct rte_tel_data *d)
+       struct rte_cryptodev_info cryptodev_info;
+       int dev_id;
+       char *end_param;
+       if (params == NULL || strlen(params) == 0 || !isdigit(*params))
+               return -EINVAL;
+       dev_id = strtoul(params, &end_param, 0);
+       if (*end_param != '\0')
+               CDEV_LOG_ERR("Extra parameters passed to command, ignoring");
+       if (!rte_cryptodev_is_valid_dev(dev_id))
+               return -EINVAL;
+       rte_cryptodev_info_get(dev_id, &cryptodev_info);
+       rte_tel_data_start_dict(d);
+       rte_tel_data_add_dict_string(d, "device_name",
+               cryptodev_info.device->name);
+       rte_tel_data_add_dict_int(d, "max_nb_queue_pairs",
+               cryptodev_info.max_nb_queue_pairs);
+       return 0;
+#define ADD_DICT_STAT(s) rte_tel_data_add_dict_u64(d, #s, cryptodev_stats.s)
+static int
+cryptodev_handle_dev_stats(const char *cmd __rte_unused,
+               const char *params,
+               struct rte_tel_data *d)
+       struct rte_cryptodev_stats cryptodev_stats;
+       int dev_id, ret;
+       char *end_param;
+       if (params == NULL || strlen(params) == 0 || !isdigit(*params))
+               return -EINVAL;
+       dev_id = strtoul(params, &end_param, 0);
+       if (*end_param != '\0')
+               CDEV_LOG_ERR("Extra parameters passed to command, ignoring");
+       if (!rte_cryptodev_is_valid_dev(dev_id))
+               return -EINVAL;
+       ret = rte_cryptodev_stats_get(dev_id, &cryptodev_stats);
+       if (ret < 0)
+               return ret;
+       rte_tel_data_start_dict(d);
+       ADD_DICT_STAT(enqueued_count);
+       ADD_DICT_STAT(dequeued_count);
+       ADD_DICT_STAT(enqueue_err_count);
+       ADD_DICT_STAT(dequeue_err_count);
+       return 0;
+       rte_telemetry_register_cmd("/cryptodev/info", cryptodev_handle_dev_info,
+                       "Returns information for a cryptodev. Parameters: int 
+       rte_telemetry_register_cmd("/cryptodev/list",
+                       cryptodev_handle_dev_list,
+                       "Returns list of available crypto devices by IDs. No 
+       rte_telemetry_register_cmd("/cryptodev/stats",
+                       cryptodev_handle_dev_stats,
+                       "Returns the stats for a cryptodev. Parameters: int 

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