> The cryptodev library now registers commands with telemetry, and > implements the corresponding callback functions. These commands > allow a list of cryptodevs to be queried, as well as info and stats > for the corresponding cryptodev. > > An example usage can be seen below: > > Connecting to /var/run/dpdk/rte/dpdk_telemetry.v2 > {"version": "DPDK 21.11.0-rc0", "pid": 1135019, "max_output_len": 16384} > --> / > {"/": ["/", "/cryptodev/info", "/cryptodev/list", "/cryptodev/stats", ...]} > --> /cryptodev/list > {"/cryptodev/list": [0,1,2,3]} > --> /cryptodev/info,0 > {"/cryptodev/info": {"device_name": "0000:1c:01.0_qat_sym", \ > "max_nb_queue_pairs": 2}} > --> /cryptodev/stats,0 > {"/cryptodev/stats": {"enqueued_count": 0, "dequeued_count": 0, \ > "enqueue_err_count": 0, "dequeue_err_count": 0}} > > Signed-off-by: Rebecca Troy <rebecca.t...@intel.com> > Acked-by: Ciara Power <ciara.po...@intel.com> > Acked-by: Akhil Goyal <gak...@marvell.com>
Applied to dpdk-next-crypto Thanks.