12/10/2021 15:50, Juraj Linkeš:
> I'm used to Gerrit where reruns on a given version always run with the same 
> parent commit. I think this makes sense since this would give us a way to 
> rerun with the same parent and the latest parent (using a new upload). Also, 
> the version we're trying to rerun may no longer apply to the current HEAD, so 
> it makes sense from this point of view as well.

If a patch doesn't apply, it is good to trigger it in CI.
When sending a patch, the expectation is to apply to the latest HEAD,
without knowing exactly neither when it will be effectively applied,
nor when the CI will run any test.

PS: please do not top-post.

> Juraj
> From: ci <ci-boun...@dpdk.org> On Behalf Of Lincoln Lavoie
> All,
> That raises the question, for the planned work to allow triggering rebuilds / 
> reruns through patchwork, what is the expected behavior, rerun exactly what 
> was run before, or move to the current pointer (assuming it's moved on) and 
> build/run on top of that?  What best aligns with everyone's expectations, so 
> we don't get confusion, etc.?
> Cheers,
> Lincoln

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