Minutes of Technical Board Meeting, 2021-08-11

Members Attending: 8/12
   - Aaron Conole
   - Ferruh Yigit (Chair)
   - Hemant Agrawal
   - Honnappa Nagarahalli
   - Jerin Jacob
   - Kevin Traynor
   - Konstantin Ananyev
   - Stephen Hemminger

NOTE: The Technical Board meetings take place every second Wednesday
on https://meet.jit.si/DPDK at 3 pm UTC.
Meetings are public, and DPDK community members are welcome to attend.
Agenda and minutes can be found at http://core.dpdk.org/techboard/minutes

NOTE: Next meeting will be on Wednesday 2021-08-25 @3pm UTC,
and will be chaired by Hemant.

#1 Extending stable ABI / API to two years
    * No decision given yet, left decision to next meeting.
    * Can continue executing the tasks listed in the excel sheet during v21.11

#2 Documenting criteria on adding/removing members to technical board
    * Document needs further reviews, please review.
    * Will set a deadline for the document review in next meeting.

#3 Atomic API
    * Atomic built-ins used because of old compilers.
    * If we can drop old compiler support, we can switch to atomic APIs.
    * Discussion to drop RHEL7 is going on in the mail list.

#4 Exception path sample app
    * No objection to have the sample app in principal.
    * Details and design can be discussed more when patches are available.

#5 github repo access for extending CI for Arm support
    * Honnappa and Aaron will figure out the details on what is exactly required
    * Later we can crate an policy around it, right now it is for
      Thomas/Aaron/Honnappa to manage.

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