> > By its very name, action PORT_ID means that packets hit an ethdev with the > > given DPDK port ID. At least the current comments don't state the opposite. > > > > However some drivers implement it in a different way and direct traffic to > > the opposite end of the "wire" plugged to the given ethdev. For example in > > the case of a VF representor traffic is redirected to the corresponding VF > > itself rather than to the representor ethdev and OvS uses PORT_ID action > > this way. > > > > The documentation must be clarified and, likely, rte_flow_action_port_id > > structure should be extended to support both meanings. > > > > Signed-off-by: Andrew Rybchenko <andrew.rybche...@oktetlabs.ru> > > Acked-by: Ori Kam <or...@nvidia.com> > > --- > > +* ethdev: Definition of the flow API action PORT_ID is ambiguous and needs > > + clarification. Structure rte_flow_action_port_id will be extended to > > + specify traffic direction to represented entity or ethdev port itself in > Nit! "to the represented entity"? > Otherwise > Acked-by: Ajit Khaparde <ajit.khapa...@broadcom.com>
I agree clarification is welcome. Acked-by: Thomas Monjalon <tho...@monjalon.net> Applied with above change, thanks.